hey all i recently picked up fh2 and havin fun with it at the min before i go on line now to the point is it worth putting aero into the builds as from what ive seen upto yet there arent many fast bends that justify aero just wondered before i build up some lobby cars…thanks
Front aero yes and maxed. Rear aero either no or put it on but tune to minimum.
Plenty of my tunes are running 100 front and either 75 or zero on the rear.
great stuff thanks ill build my cars different online im enjoying my general lee flying of the jumps with no aero lol and drifting a shelby everywhere!! also i found the tuning more like fm4 not at all like fm5 would you agree?
I like grip. Aero goes directly on the unsprung weight, just like the larger diameter rims. It keeps you stuck to the ground in off road without having to monkey with springs and arbs much. At least that is this kitty’s findings.
i built my cars the same way i was on fm5 but the drivertards was leaving me flagging on straights when i had aero on kitty so took areo off for single player and having super fun flying everywhere through the air or sideways…i may dip my toes online and see if its as serious as fm5
The are advantages both ways with aero. Good drivers take advantage of what the car gives. Unfortunately, I’m not a good driver so I use full aero front and rear because my times suffer when I’m in the air or off the road.
In FM5 I use aero almost all the time, especially in the lower classes even if I set it as low as it goes.
I began using it in FH2, but have stopped. I found that for the most part, I’m able to tune cars to accomplish what I want equally well without the aero. Especially with the nature of the Horizon series, I would use aero more if it didn’t look ridiculously horrible on hatchbacks such as the Jeep Grand Cherokee, the Golfs, and the like.
Once I start spending more time online, I can’t get the car to drive how I want without it, or find I can’t place in the top 100 without Aero I will start using it again.
thanks for advice and i agree areo looks hoorid on some cars lol im playing against drivtards on hardest difficulty and still unbeaten with out aero i know this may be different when i get online tho, time will tell i guess im not after leaderboard times on fh2 tho as i treat this game as fun so as long as im fairly competetive online with out aero ill be happy
My reasoning is this:
Cars in FH2 have too much grip to start with. They also have natural understeer.
What they lack is the ability to turn.
I want to add power, speed and turning ability. Therefore part of my build answer is max front aero and low rear aero.
Seems to work very well in cross country events.