H2 vs Forza 5

hey all, just thought I’d start a discussion on the differences between F5 and horizon 2, what sort of differences have you found?
I find the camber has possibly changed, can’t get away with such extremes as you used to. Has anyone noticed a change in bump and rebound? I used to frequently use very stiff rebound and very low bump but I find the 50-75% suggestion they give seems to work better in horizon.
Also has anyone noticed if caster makes more of an impact than it did on f5?

The obvious one is what sort of changes do you have to make to compensate for the Rougher terrain. Higher ride height and softer springs than usual? Does the new terrain affect your camber or Arb or can much of that still be tuned similar? Interesting to see what people are doing different now.

My favorite difference is that crashes are much less catastrophic in FH2.

Im usually airborn.

I’m findinng high caster good ,maybe 6 +, camber i can get high but the difference between front and rear is greater than stock, e.g 2.5 2.

The tuning is really not the same. Forza 5 tunes seem way too loose in Horizon 2 for me. The telemetry doesn’t seem to have any meaning in horizon 2. It wasn’t great in fora 5 but for example tire temps never get right in horizon 2 and spring offset is not even close. I find overall suspension has to be much stiffer in horizon than forza 5. Most of the time default tunes are better than they where in forza 5. Just my 2 cents worth, others may think forza 5 tunes transfer over but I haven’t had any luck doing so.

I use the same spreadsheet as for FM5 the cars seem to be going well. I miss the GP tires and in this case the dedicated Rally tires. As per Camber for Off road: they tend to be on the Positive side intead of Negative. Try visualising a flying Baja car.

For most cars the camber is the only difference so far. -2.5 - -3 ish up front and -2 - -2.5 ish in the rear seems to give good grip on the road without loosing too much when you go off road. The diff Accel settings are higher as well in order to drift and acquire skill points while driving.

I’ve noticed in FH2 you can drive around places that aren racetracks.

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I find giving more ride height to my tunes (more suspension travel) helps with the undulating roads and off the road excursions in FH2… Where in FM5 you could slam or nearly slam most cars (limiting roll) and achieve positive results, I noticed a lot of bottoming out and instability with really low suspension heights…

To be honest, I have not seen much difference with the exception of ride height really coming into play… I’m using relatively the same Camber and Camber settings in FH2, that I use in FM5 with decent results. I may play with the settings and reduce a little to see what the result is now though. I have noticed that Camber is more visible in FH2, but I’m paying more attention to how my cars look in FH2 as opposed to FM5…

There is also a completely new tuning category… Off-Road/Rally… Previously, we’ve only had, circuit, drag and drift tuning (and the silly builds)… I am actually working on some strategies and a tuning guide for Off-Road/Rally in FH2… If I get it done before another is posted on the boards, I will definitely share it if there is interest…

Biggest difference I’ve seen is aero is useless most of the time. It will just slow you down on anything but the shortest circuits. I have also found race trans useful on some cars, to accommodate the wide range of speed necessary for many of the point to point and cross country events.

I’ve arrived at the same thoughts. It’s almost as though priorities were swapped from FM5 to FH2.

For me, in FM5, aero was practically a given, whereas top speed was only relevant on a few tracks.

Now, in FH2, it’s the other way around. Top speed is suddenly important, and aero seems irrelevant.

When you think about it, it makes sense. Cars drive so completely differently in FH2 than FM5. We also spend quite a bit of time airborne and off-road. Aero would only seem to hurt in those areas.

In cases where I’ve really needed handling, I’ve done something I’d feel ashamed to do in FM5: drivetrain swap. RWD to AWD. Just don’t tell anybody. It’s embarrassing enough as it is :slight_smile:

IMO tuning has lower impact on driving than it was in FM4/5. This game is screaming for Offroad or Rally addon with special parts like we had in FH1.

  • i miss any downgrade option (Lexani…)

I find my fm5 tunes would be nowhere near loose enough so I am going for a more savage soft front, stiff rear with very little rear aero.

Using camber of -2.5, -2.0 to start. Bump around 3-3.5.

In the build I am going for power as the cars have way too much grip and understeer to start with.