Question on car selling?

Ok if we take the time to paint and tune a car then sell it. The tune and paint doesn’t link to the seller at all.

You should get credit on the options that you have applied.
Meaning they should be able to like the applied.
Ok we get a bit more credits but, I think you get where I’m going with this.

Thoughts or Help?

the only way to get any “credit” for tunes/liveries is to share them. as i recall, anything bought or sold in the AH negates any credit you would normally get from downloads, and it has always been this way.

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Thank you
Very odd systems

Still doesnt make it the proper way to run a economic system.

Again thank you for the info.


One more question how to get tunes and liverys to be seen so they can dl it?

Or is the only way is to post them here?

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tbh the arcane system that puts your shared liveries and tunes on the “recommended” list is only known to the developers. i have liveries that were popular in FH4 that have received absolutely no downloads in FH5. all i can suggest is to keep resharing them occasionally until they get some downloads. i usually only reshare one a day hoping for the best. sometimes if you edit the livery in some minor way after unsharing the original and then resharing the edited version it will pop up for others to download.

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I assume that works for Vinyls as well. I have all the liverys I need just need likes on tunes and vinyls. I and uses I guss. Thanks

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Enter a competition, and the winners get their designs displayed more.

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Will try that thank you im good but maybe not competitive with the big boys and girls but will try one now off to break another of your records :wink: