I recently bought this car to turn it into a Mad Max-esk car, I customised it but when I left the garage I saw my roof was gone which basically turned it intro a convertible with high suspension.
Then I saw that people posted about this 2 years ago, and it still isn’t an option.
And for the people saying that’s how it’s supposed to be. It should atleast be an option for the people who do want the roof.
Its a known issue with some of the cars in FH4…they are either hard-tops or convertibles in-game, but not both. They can be both in ForzaVista mode. They aren’t fixing it in FH4.
Think you may have misread that post as it says they aren’t fixing it…not that they are. Bugs like this, which have been ignored for a considerable amount of time will continue to be ignored. Seems to me PGG only fix what they consider to be important, not what the people playing the game want fixed…anything else just gets labelled as “a deliberate bug”
I understood. I already have FH5 ready to go on gamepass when it drops.
I never considered this a “bug”, More like a feature they didn’t include. I’ve always had some questions on the animations and visuals when in multiplayer online. Like, do other drivers see the damage on my car? Will they in 5? Will other drivers see the animation if I’m raising or lowering my power top in my Ferrari California T?
The Quartz Regalia, the big 4x4 off road version, is weird…if you use it in the Extreme Offroad challenges this week and you win with it, you’ll see it in one of the end scenes with the top on the model, then it snaps back to the convertible version. Just noticed that too…