Qualifying lap

I’m sick and tired starting in the middle of the pack, surrounded by idiot AI drivers that forcefully ram their vehicle into the back and or side of me. Damaging my vehicle in such a way I need to restart the race. And if you’re lucky enough to get passed that, AI will find the slowest way around the first corner while the vehicles who started first would just race away into a sizeable early lead. Playing on unbeatable, simulation damage on is just infuriating.

Why can’t there be a qualifying lap to determine starting position? Just one lap, no rewinds, just for unbeatable difficulty? There’s already a small tab with “starting grid” that’s been totally pointless for a few years in the series. So why not put it to good use for once.


+1 - I would love this feature. It makes no sense to start from the middle or wherever.


I changed mine to random somewhere along the way and it really is random. Had a few pole positions and throughout the pack. Although for the Forza GP car I recommend changing back to the default to give you a sporting chance because it will probably put you at 24 and those Drivatars shouldn’t be behind the wheel of anything at that pace.

Where is the option for random?

This is only an option in Free Play. It is not available in the Forza Driver’s Cup.

It’s under Advanced Options, scroll down for a sub-menu called Grid Order.

Unfortunately , after 7 Forza we still don’t have Qualify session … Turn10 should really consider sim’s fans.
This time , Turn10 prefered to add clown suit instead Qualify session and animated Pit Stop

If you want to play a serious sim on Xbox One , Asseto Corsa or Project Cars 2 are the right one

Project cars 2 qualify session are particulary well realised. If only Turn10 can copy it …


comment of the day! +1


Hey now! I knocked 3 tenths off my lap time with that Clown Suit!!

Personally I think it’s a form of artificial difficulty. The game would be much easier to start from the front as the AI is not very good.

But yeah +1 to adding in qualifying. Starting from the middle of the pack with the midfield while the guy you’re really racing is out upfront gets super annoying.

You end up doing a demolition derby on the first few corners to get past the midfield so you can be 3-6 position then you can race properly to catch up to first.

Obviously if you have damage turned on this is not possible so qualifying is really essential then!


+10000 , I really hope they re adding in qualifying soon. It s very weird that a racing game doesn’t have this feature !!!


It hasn’t been a feature since 2011; it’s safe to say it’s not coming back.

Yeah sorry I went and took another look and Random is only in free play which I guess if you think about it you will free play for years but once thru champs and completed it becomes a moot point. On random, I found it better even if it places you toward the back of the pack since realistically not one of those Drivatars would be let loose on any track anywhere in the world and starting at position 12 is almost a guarantee that it will become a first corner boxed in demolition derby. I have even managed to go up a skill level now and got my unbeatable badge coz it wasn’t my driving causing the problem. Switched back to useless since but it was an achievement none the less.

Qualifying would be excellent IMO.

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+1 for adding qualifying, the forza drivers cup is totally pointless without it. Come on turn 10 make it happen.

Would really like this added. Found it odd this wasn’t already in the game.

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+1000 for qualifying lap
+1000 for animated pot stop
+1000 for taking off the prize crates

Prize crates are being removed next month…November 2018

I’m assuming the logic behind not having a qualifying lap is that it basically means skilled drivers will start in the front. Remember really long ago when single player starting position was based on PI? That meant the fastest car started on pole and generally stayed there.

I would rather them increase the realism of the drivatars behavior and maybe even reduce the number of competitors On skinnier tracks but always starting first would be less satisfying. There is definitely a thrill to fighting through the pack on long races.

How about heats instead of a qualifier? Race a shorter race against half the field to determine starting position for the full race, like older NASCAR games.

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When someone turns in a bad qualifying lap and has to start in the mid or back of the field, there’s a reason why that’s considered A Bad Thing.

It’s because you have to do a Forza and battle your way through the field before you’re up with the people you want to be racing with.

At the moment, my campaign experience involves working out how best to weave my way through the accident-happy AI on lap 1, before the race can actually start. It is also hard to work out how strong I want the AI, and how long I want the race.

I want to be in with a chance at winning, right? But not too easy. I want a battle. But if the game just dumps me wherever on the grid, well, that makes a big difference to the race outcome, and it means I have to survive the absurd group behaviour of the AIs every. single. race.

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in a way your difficulty level is your qualifying position and if you don’t want to practice your clean passing skills for multiplayer use a MOD card to start up front or boost your starting position.

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Qualifying would be a great feature. I don’t think it’ll ever happen. Arcade-like mods is all we have to improve staring position.