Can we please bring back qualifying laps? I feel it’s something vital that has been left out of the last few Forza Motorsport games and something I miss. I really don’t like the whole “Start you off in the middle of the 24 car field and give you one lap on the track to get into first.” As someone who tries to race as cleanly as possible and plays the game on the hardest difficulty, this is a very annoying oversight on Turn 10’s part. I feel like if I have the pace and the ability to run the fastest lap, but get blocked or sideswiped while trying to pass on my way to the front while the AI out in front don’t have any of that bs to deal with and just check out to an inconceivable advantage is hardly fair.
And I know some of you will say, “Turn the difficulty down.” Where’s the challenge in that? Or “That’s what there are Mods for.” I don’t use the mods and I don’t really plan to. Why should I have to try and come across mod cards and spend my in game money on loot crates just to gain positions that I’d easily be able to attain with qualifying laps integrated into the game?
That’s all I have to say really, just wanted to rant and tell Turn 10 to put qualifying laps back into their game.
Trolls, take it away, because I know that’s all the feedback I’m going to get.
Are there single player races that are only one lap? I haven’t played single player after I beat 3-4 single championships but in MP there’s only 1 track that’s a 1 lap race and that Le Mans.
You could try increasing the lap count for the shorter races in campaign though so you wouldn’t have to use mods or anything like that.
I’d like to see qualifying but setting the race length to long normally makes the race around 15-20 minuets and give pleanty of laps to work your way to the front. Starting mid grid is mostly good fun with the longer races, I change race length and difficulty depending on how much I like the car and track combination. Extra long and unbeatable for the right car and track