Race starting positions without qualifying

I never qualify, I’m usually making a cup of tea, or having a toilet break or other such thing

I am ALWAYS placed on the grid ahead of ALL the other players who didn’t qualify. When watching ‘grandma driving’ Forza YouTube videos, he ALWAYS starts at the back of the grid.

I can’t find an answer as to how the game orders the grid for multiplayer online races for those that choose not to qualify.

Can anyone help ?

Random yo.

Not that random it seems, if I don’t qualify then I’m usually at or near the back of those who have not qualified.

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Idk. I guess keep track for a few races and average it out instead of going for what feels right.

Acrually I’m in the process of an experiment so I’ll add that to it.

Havent played in a month or so, but since launch, I was ALWAYS immediately after the qaulifiers, whether 1 person qaulifies or if 20 people do. No one truly knows how this is sorted that I know of. To my belief, its tied to account creation or original/first “login” into the servers. Ive played Forza on my GTag since 2, and played early access FM23 as soon as it was released in New Zealand. In both of these factors, I have the oldest account per the peers I play with.

I think it is either reverse Skill Rank or reverse Player level.

Nope. Not related to skill, safety, level, PI, car, practice times, joined time, play time, etc. Ive checked this against those i play with. Nothing has made sense. Its a metric that we cannot see.

It will remain a mystery forever because good luck getting any input from Anyone at Turn10 on the Official Forum…

Besides info on each months stuff from @T10ManteoMax

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Just another thing for the “aRmY oF tEsTeRs” to figure out for themselves.

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I’ve worked out the tyre wear multiplier in the Forza GT Series


length of time on xbox live? the longer the further back you are.

Exactly the same for me, all those that Qualified then always (and I really mean ALWAYS) me

Whatever it is, I’m always ahead of everyone who doesn’t qualify. I’m clean and fast, but I have seen a player or two occasionally above me.