I was thinking of getting FM7 but hear that it is easy in that you advance no matter what. You get more stuff if you place higher but you still move to further levels even if you lose races. Is this true? Also, are there any side challenges or is it pure racing? Is tuning required to do well?
I saw this post by another user about a messed up point system but have no clue what he is talking about.
Single player is broken up into multiple championships with the last being the Forza driver cup.
Within each championship are multiple series featuring different homologations and open championships where you choose what to drive (homologation, class based or whatever you want). Each championship also includes several showcases.
Some showcases require a certain result in order to get the points for the event. For the series, it doesn’t matter. In the series races you’ll earn points based on your final position in each series.
You have to accumulate a certain amount of points in order to move to the next championship. Progression through the championships shouldn’t be hard but it can be if you have a lower skill set and choose unbeatable drivatars. For some series, the drivatars are really fast. In others, they stink.
Once you win the drivers cup, the remaining series in each championship will unlock. Depending on your skill set and difficulty level chosen, you may have a challenge in fully completing each championship. Note that fully completing a championship cannot be done until after you win the Forza drivers cup for the first time.
The structure of the career mode is IMO the best in motorsport history so far. It doesn’t have the breath that FM4 had, but it’s good. In addition you can adjust the lap count (not like FH3 blueprint; instead you have a few options on length) to an extent to avoid the lame 2 lap races.
Tuning is not required. You can use the auto upgrade feature to ensure your car is homologated properly. Note that you can change parts as you want as long as the homologation limits aren’t exceeded. There are times where it looks like you are within limit of D400 for example but it will say it’s not homolagted. It’s possible an upgrade brings you to D400.4 (the display shows a rounded figure of D400) but homologation is set to D400.0.
The quote you mentioned is the balancing of points earned in a series. In some Forza games, 1st place gave you 20 points for each race in a championship. In FM7 points earned is weighted weirdly. Basically you earn a small amount of points in the first race and a large amount in the last race. So you can place second in a series if you do horrible in the final race.
I dont think you have to win any of the series to keep advancing, you will always be earning points to advance to the next Cup. You will have to race more series to earn the points necessary to progress but thats about it.
You can set the difficulty level wherever you want and if you lose, even badly, you can re-race the series, run another series to earn the points or you can adjust the difficulty level to guarantee a win.
Thank you RPM Swerve that was a great explanation.
I think that can be an issue. I sort of miss the very structured old Gran Turismos and how you started out with a slow car and it was hard to earn enough for new cars and upgrades.
The game is not very structured, that’s true, but the first 15 or so hours of single player you arent going to have many spare credits.
There are a lot of cars to buy, especially if you arent interested in running the series available to you with the cars you can get for free.
You dont have to accept credits or cars when you level up, you can take the driver gear instead. You dont have to run long races or use the mod cards.
If you are a big car collector you arent going to run out of cars to buy until you hit about level 400. And thats if you’re trying to get a lot of cars.
Really, just do what you want. A lot of people like to have the game make the choices for them but if you want to run long races where you are fighting until the last lap for the win, you can adjust the race parameters to do that.
If you are new to Forza Motorsport, try looking at all the various series that are there to race as introductions to the different types of cars and classes in the game.
Thanks for the response. Yes I am new to Forza Motorsport I have Horizon 3. I just need to play around with it. Like I have no idea what you mean by running out of cars at level 400 but I’m sure I will find out. I know someone said you do the driver’s cup and then that unlocks new races. I’ll just follow the game and probably just get accessories and not credits like you advised.
By the way, do you have any preference for QuickTune or ForzaTune? I’d like to use one of them.
Theres no reason not to take the money or the level up reward cars. The campaign does contain various divisions but you wont always have a car to use or the right one for that matter so your going to want money in the bank or a car to use. Driver gear isnt going to help your progression in any way. You can stick to the lower class divisions for awhile but eventually your going to want or have to use a hypercar or expensive racecar and youll be kicking yourself in the behind for not taking one for free.
There are close to 700 cars to buy in the game and it will take you untill you are about driver level 400 before you have earned enough to buy them all, and that’s with taking the free ones and the discounts every time you level up. By no means do you need all the cars and there a lot of duplicates but there are still plenty to buy.
I build and tune myself 90% of the time so I dont use any kind of tuning or quickbuild app. The best thing to do is download the tunes directly from the leaderboards from the top drivers.
Its a good game. Not a true SIM but close. On non difficult setting tuning is not required. If you want to push yourself tuning and testing is a must. For propper hard core SIM look somewhere else. I did. I’m playing other, more “propper sims” which are better if that’s your thing… Like me. But despite that I find myself reurning to FM7. I suppose it depends on what you’re looking for.
PS . Horizon is an arcade. Incomparible to FM. For me FM is way better
By “proper sims” do you mean Project Cars 2 and if so is it playable with a controller I know 1 was near impossible even with tunes for the controller. Why you go back to FM7? Just a great game? Why QuickTune?
Yeah, I’ve always been more a fan of the “simcade” (mainly because I don’t have a wheel).
Yea, PC2 and Assetto Corsa. I think they are really good SIM’s. There are others too which i hear are pretty good hard core racing games.
I’m not sure, but unless you’re a controller genius these games really need to be played with a wheel. I keep coming back because FM still has the appeal. Generous track and car list, awesome graphics. Just too bad it’s missing some aspects of a real SIM. But I will definitely not uninstall it. So yes, a great game just not a great SIM but I don’t think you’d be disappointed once you make peace with some of its shortcomings. If you’re after a simcade, this one is for you. I’d say get a wheel if you want to try the Sims though. Lots of players are quite successful with a controller on FM. Not me though, I tried and I’m useless with it.
Ugh I don’t get that. Having to DL someone else’s tune to do well is just a pain, especially for a short race with one car. Same with tuning. Love cars but not that deep into the mechanics. Guess I should read a few guides maybe like CW’s (link below) and the guide on the FACR page is good. I love that their tuning video is close to three freaking hours. Yes again I miss where it was hard to buy upgrades and when you did you could see the slight improvement. Now you can just throw on whatever upgrades you want and competitors just match your class level for parity (whatever that class number is called).
There is quite the art to building a top performing car and the best way to learn it is download some of the top guys tunes from the leadrboard. It only takes a minute and you only have to pay for the parts you havent already purchased. There is also a lot of diversity in how different the cars can be set up to handle and the best way to see that is to download a variety of tunes.