I recently got 3 months of Xbox Live Gold to try racing online.
I did a few races in the multiplayer section, won most of them, and it all seemed a bit inconsequential. It seemed like leagues are what we’re supposed to be doing, so I moved on to those.
I started in the grassroots league, with a number 5 rating, and have now done 15 races, winning 13 of them. I’m now up to a number 4 rating, but my score goes up by a tiny amount with each win, around 20 points, so it would take a huge number of races to get to a 1 rating at 400 points per level. I’m beating people who have a 1 rating, so the ratings don’t make much sense to me, is it really just a matter of racing a huge number of times to get to a 1 rating? If so, it seems utterly pointless, we might as well compare how many credits we all have from spending hours grinding in single player.
I also can’t see any way to see my own rating, or those of my friends? I only see my own rating at the end of a race when it adjusts the points. In FH4, if I go into Achievements in the Xbox app, I can see “League rating” for my friends list, but there’s nothing analogous in FM7 that I can see.
The higher you finish a race the more points you will get. Win a race and you can get like 100~150 points, it’s actually too much.
Ranks don’t really matter much. Since multiplayer is a joke overall, I thought that if I invested into leagues, maybe at higher ranks races would be better, but it’s not true. I got to Pinnacle 1(top rank) and it’s just the same garbage, stopped playing immediately after that.
Thanks, I can see one problem is there have only been around 3-5 players in each race, and if you win each time, you start each race from 1st on the grid and don’t get any points for gaining positions.
What is the intention of what leagues vs non-leagues multiplayer are supposed to achieve? The game doesn’t really provide much explanation of the purpose of them.
From searching old threads, I THINK the non-leagues has an ELO-style rating, but I didn’t do enough races for it to give me a number, maybe it would have seemed more interesting once it gave me a rating. But leagues don’t have this, instead it’s just a rating that rewards completing lots of races, have I got that right?
I think my mistake was not getting a rating from non-league races before doing my first league race, but the game doesn’t help you out in understanding that, it should probably display a warning message to explain the situation to you if you try to enter a league race without first having a non-league rating.
The more people on a lobby, the more points you will get as well depending on your final position . And while yes, you will start at a better position depeding on your lap time/finish position on the previous race, and that means you will get less points for the start/finish point thing, but I think it’s worth it since you avoid Turn 1 chaos by starting at the front and thus getting more points overall by finishing ahead of most people.
I have no idea if there’s a rating system for non-league, nor did I notice it at all. For me the experience has been the same since day 1, it was terrible when I started and it’s still terrible now. I also don’t think theres a hidden MMR in league. I kept telling me it would get better as I was climbing the ladder, but that never happened.
The only lobby that I would call “decent” at best is the Endurance GT. Longer races and realistic damage means people are more careful and don’t go for that “turn 1 win”, most of the time at least.
So for me, leagues are not worth investing if you are looking for decent races. Do 1 race per week just for the rewards if you care enough.
Leagues and the rank you’re at seem more of a case of time invested rather than actual skill level although you do see some quality drivers in pinnacle on occasion.
The purpose of leagues to me is just the reward system. Credit bonus for milestones and taking part in 1 event per week will give you the stated reward.
If racing against quality drivers is what you want, apart from the ForzaRC there are websites dedicated to just that. Google Online Racing League, Delta Online Racing and or Tora. See if any of these websites have any events going on that peak your interest.
All they generally require is signing up to the site and picking your race number. After you have these its a simple sign up and turn up.
There’s a rating system for non-leagues but the value is hidden. It rarely works due to lack of players, but you’ll notice if you venture lobbies for certain classes that you’ll be paired with the same people many times.