Forza 6 racing League Division ranking

Hey Guys my name is Patrick.
I have a question for you guys.
So I just checked out the racing league in Forza 6,and I’ve never even done a League race before,and it shows I’m in a professional division.
I’ve only done regular multiplayer races I haven’t done many,but I’m racing level 114.
And I’ve done a few rival events to.
So what can you guys tell me?

That you’re not a bad driver. Lol.

There are 2 rating systems. 1 for leagues and the other for standard multiplayer. The ratings for standard multiplayer are hidden.

I’m guessing the leagues are programmed for the first time you play to see if you’re standard multiplayer rating allows you to start in a higher league tier. Once you play leagues, your ranking in leagues is not affected by multiplayer results.

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Correct. Right up until you play your first league race, your initial league placement is based on your MP trueskill.

I managed to get a brand new account into Pinnacle after just 5 races one night - 3 in an S-class hopper, plus the intro “race” around Rio, and the first career race around Lime Rock that you can’t skip. Took me about 20 mins altogether.

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