Praise and questions from an old guy who is still figuring stuff out

Good day, gentlemen (and ladies). I’ve been a fan of this game for awhile, since its beginning really. I bought an XboxONE simply because of Forza 6. I’ve always been blown away at the level of craftsmanship shown by you livery creators. The level of artistic prowess is truly awe inspired. I’ve created a few of my own, but they are not nearly the same quality of most. I’d post a picture or two, but I still haven’t figured that bit out yet.
When I say I’ve created a few, I mean basically the same design for lots of different cars, inspired by Evel Knievel. (Yes, when I said old guy I mean’t it… I recently turned 50). Still getting a handle on things but I have been inspired by all of the artwork I’ve seen in the livery libraries.

Couple of questions though. 1. How do I post pics here? Do I have to access forums through the console, or can I do it from here (my laptop)?

  1. What is required to achieve a 5 star rating? Just curious, I’m interested in collecting the achievement. I have a number of 4 stars, but haven’t busted that 5 star cherry yet. The most downloads any of my designs has gotten is 83. Is there a formula involving downloads, likes and uses?

I guess thats it for now, don’t want to dwaddle on… Again, Kudos for all the outstanding livery work you artists contribute. Truly Awesome work!

Stars are based on a combination of downloads, likes and uses. Each is weighted differently and I’m sure there’s a formula (unknown to me at this time) that figure it out.
Short answer, it varies…

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I have a very basic design on a 1981 Ford Fiesta XR2 that is among my designs with the most likes…its called " fiestive" Thanks for the boost! BTW, I browsed your vinyl collection. Great work!

Look at the top of the screen, you’ll see “Games” Community" "Rewards…

Click on Community and gallery. If you’ve shared your pics they’ll show here.
Select your required image and save it to your computer then upload it to a photo sharing site like Flickr… it’s free and saves at a good quality.

When you’ve uploaded it to Flickr, you can select and copy a BBCode which you can paste here…

[[*img][/*img][*url][Galag Gumball 2015 b[*url] by [ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT[*url], on Flickr
(This is what the code will look like, I’ve inserted *'s in places to stop it showing the pic)

(how it’ll show)

Hope this helps.](ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT | Flickr)](Galag Gumball 2015 b | Team Galag Gumball 3000 | ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT | Flickr)](Galag Gumball 2015 b | Team Galag Gumball 3000 | ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT | Flickr)

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Awesome info. Thanks tons. I’m off to make a flickr account right now! ](ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT | Flickr)](Galag Gumball 2015 b | Team Galag Gumball 3000 | ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT | Flickr)](Galag Gumball 2015 b | Team Galag Gumball 3000 | ForzaDesignsbyPolizeiYT | Flickr)


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Looks like you received good advice from some great painters. By the way, you’re still a youngster, I’m in my early 60’s. Like you, I too purchased my Xbox One just for Forza. I’m still learning to use the livery editor with varying degrees of success.

I enjoy painting in the game because it’s like putting together a jigsaw puzzle, figuring out what shapes to use is a challenge and helps keep my mind active. Keep at it! Looking forward to seeing some of your work.


How to upload photos with flickr

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Thanks a bunch guys! Yous guys are the goods!

1st attempt fail. I’ll get pics up somehow, lol.

Lets try this:

starsky by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

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Success! Here’s a few more! Any feedback, good or bad, would be very much appreciated.

laferrari1 by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

veyron1 by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

indy by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

evels ride by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

daytona2 by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

daytona1 by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

comp1 by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

comp2 by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

aston1 by Rob Hagans, on Flickr

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Thats the plan PilotViper, thanks for your help!

On another note:

Let me introduce all of you to my FIRST 5 STAR PAINT!! lol I’m way too excited for this, haha!

GetPhoto by Rob Hagans, on Flickr


Nice, ‘simple’ and clean designs ! keep it up!!

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