Possible Future VR Support?

I mean with the new dashboard cam it seems like a natural progression.


I believe the dashboard cam was only for the E3 demo version, and not something that’s definitely going to be in the final game.

Why wouldn’t it be in the full game? It would make much more sense, especially if you are using a wheel. would help with the immersion.

Slaptrain asked E3/PG if they where going to implement that dash view in his questioner behind closed doors. Watch his video on YouTube. He just posted them up from the convention. Good stuff.

They said MAYBE.

Playground seems to have their ears towards the fan base. We need to be a voice and let it be known, WE WANT THAT DASH VIEW. Get a petition or something going For the developers to see. Lol. Idk.

It has been said this is not a final feature, but they have had so much comments about it they are looking into it (read : likely a post-launch update or next title inclusion. )

I really like the way a popular rally title :wink: did it.
steering wheel with arms =180 degrees
Steering wheel w/o arms = 900 deg.
Or no wheel.

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There is a petition on change.org for those features. I would post a link but he said he had already posted it here and it was deleted. Get over there and sign it guys.

I am highly doubting that vr support will be available especially on xbox 1. if this game is compatible with the xbox scorpio it will likely be available on that.

The Xbox Scorpio will not be a new console, yet an upgraded version. An elite Xbox one you could say, everyone ia sick of having to buy a new console and get new games etc.

There will be no new consoles, only upgraded versions now. Like PC, we can finally stock our games up without worry of not having backwards compatibility anymore. These consoles are high performance on their own, with the Scorpio it will have the performance of almost the highest end PCs.

So yes Forza horizon 3 will be playable on the upgraded Xbox, no backward compatibility as it isn’t a new console. Just an upgrade, which will include vr support and many other features, I think we’re done with having to re-gear every few years, getting new controllers headsets and more. So it’s reasonable to just have to upgrade the console every few years instead of making a next gen. but either way come find me in Forza! Level 117 looking for new club members to hit the streets! Join us at “Stay Stick” Tag is #Low. See you guys out there!

That dash camera may become a feature but I highly doubt VR will be, even on scorpio to be honest. I think they would rather wait until the next forza game actually releases on Xbox Scorpio to implement VR

I meant more for the PC version.

doubtful still. Surely they would have had that on display at e3 if it was to go with the sim rig they had setup.

I dont know if vr is really at that level of fidelity that it’d even be able to do this game justice.

Sure it is, you don’t need crazy fidelity to look around a cockpit and be more immersed in 3D with positional head tracking. Even before the higher quality consumer versions, people said the much lower res VR headsets provided great experiences with racing and flight sims. Something like Forza Vista would be perfectly suited to a roomscale type experience with Vive or Touch as well - where you could walk around the cars, lean in to get a closer look, and use the motion controllers to fiddle with stuff, etc.

Not that I see them adding VR support for the PC version of Forza Horizon 3. It would be a nice bonus and possibly a great test case for Turn10 & Playground to rig up support for it later in its life cycle, after the main work and planned post-launch support is pretty much done. Get it in there as a test case for potential VR support in future Forza games, on PC and console when Scorpio is around. Would be cool to see that happen, even if it’s it’s not perfect. It’s starting to become a standard for cockpit enabled games on PC. iRacing, Project CARS, Assetto Corsa, Live for Speed have some form of VR support, and soon Dirt Rally will too (officially).

I agree that vr is more suited for games with a cockpit, but its more of a novelty. Right now the better vr headsets are at 1080p which isn’t that clear when its right up to your face, the funniest comment i saw said the “pixels were the size of cheese-itz”. I definitely think vr has potential, but so many other peripherals have had potential and ultimately failed.

Another thing is forza doesnt have 3d cockpits in either version of the game, its less than 180 degree view on a horizontal plane. They also dont have fully animated gear shifts and the wheel only turns 180 degrees. Theres alot that would have to be added to the series itself that hasnt been without vr.

Ive seen a video of pcars in vr which looked pretty good, but dirt rally has a ways to go, inside sim racing has a video on an early bulid of it. Only time will tell what will happen, but as far as im concerned id rather see more core improvements to the game before they start investing too much time and money on vr.

I think microsoft was wise to not invest in vr like others have, choosing to make partnerships instead. When you look at it, vr may be able to add immersion to certain types of games, but it’s yet to prove that its a necessity in any way. Its like buying a steering wheel, yes it will be more immersive but you dont need one to play and most dont buy one.

You are completely wrong about dirt. The way you feel sliding around the road in that rally car cannot compare to any other gaming experience. Yes, the resolution is really low, yes there are limitations, yes, but once you strap that headset on, and jump into the car, all of those slip away and you are there

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I would like AR support that way I can trace real life figures and put them in Forza

I just want plain FullScreen Mode, not that borderless one… So SLI and GSync gets usable!
But VR-Support would great in any way for future upgrades :smiley:

really i hope VR support with Xbox Scorpio + Oculus or other VR headset (may be:)

Will VR be supported for either the xbox one or pc, both, or neither?? And if so, is it like what we saw in forza horizon 2??? They were sitting in like a In home theater, which I would actually prefer the perspective be in the cockpit seat, which would bring extra realism to wheel users.