Poor Drivers Online

That’s putting it mildly!

Just seen a guy in a C Class lobby win three races in a row with a GMC Cyclone by spinning people out intentionally… Why should he stop? There are no consequences to his actions!


lol…its a racing game

Yea it is but it isn’t crashem up derby either.


Since when has racing involved ramming people!? Can’t believe you used “lol” either!!!

exactly… spinning people out is burnout not racing

I race in R class and I have people wait to take people out… I hate it. And trying to fight for 1st or 2nd is impossible as the person you are trying to pass will block you and subsequently take you out.

Yes i race R class to and there are people who race only to screw you up and don’t get me started on Bernese alps when everyone rides the rail

This topic has been beaten to death just about everywhere. It seems the only response that anyone has been able to get is, if you bought the game you should be able to race (i use that term loosely) however you like…

There are consequences if you report him and then block him. If he gets enough reports for cheating, MS will look in to his behavior and possibly do something.
If you block him, you should never get put in a lobby with him again.

If everyone who cared would both report and block these idiots, it would theoretically clean up things pretty quickly with all the crashers being segregated to their own races since they are blocked from everyone but their own kind.


We’ve posted this many times already on the old forums:

File a REPORT with Xbox LIVE as described here: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/abuse/ The Policy Enforcement Team (PET) takes a very dim view of CHEATERS (that’s what they are) disrupting normal game play

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Poor sports are not the same as poor drivers. I don’t begrudge anyone for being a poor driver or occasion contact or crashes. Poor sports are another story but without a built in safety rating (see iRacing) then there is no good way to penalize these players.

If T10 did have the inclination to include a safety or sportsmanship rating then it could have implemented select hoppers which restricted bad sports. It is not a new issue though, and does not seem to concern T10 as they have tried nothing in five games to combat the practice. It is probably a matter of economics -good drivers will buy the game regardless, but poor sports won’t buy a game that has repercussions for their griefing.


I would guess you’re not familiar with the Crash Team actions in FM4, huh? Plenty of action was taken, even some people permanently banned from the game.

Please don’t make accusations if you don’t have the full information.

In FM5, please file a REPORT with Xbox LIVE as described here: http://www.xbox.com/en-US/live/abuse/ The Policy Enforcement Team (PET) takes a very dim view of CHEATERS (that’s what they are) disrupting normal game play


i was in a lobby last night and people are filing reports on EVERYTHING. imho i think it’s a little ridiculous. exploiting is not cheating. should it impact your reputation, yes absolutely. it’s not fair play. but these items, features, and actions are a part of the game. it’s not cheating to take advantage of them. even if it’s not in line with the spirit of how these features were intended. when i see an exploiter on the track, i just exploit my door into his fender and handle the problem. i don’t let them rustle my jimmies. it’s a game and not meant to be taken seriously. if you want a serious lobby, turn damage on in a “pro” lobby and let them eat cake.

but wall scraping, corner cutting… it’s not any different than showing up in a drift lobby or a drag race with an all wheel drive ferrari f50 with 1,000 horsepower, or a dodge neon with a chevy small block under the hood. is it realistic? no. do drifters and drag racers consider all wheel drive cheating? some times they do. quite a bit actually. but it’s put into the game. so people exploit that feature to win. it’s not cheating just because the puritans of the community don’t like it.

imho cheating is for an action that violates the games original programming. like glitching higher class car than the restrictions allow into a lobby, or unlocking tunes and paints. not for racing dirty. banning people for being poor sports is an over reach.

trolling on the other hand… ie the crash teams… i can understand the banning behind that. IF it’s a legitimate concerted effort to repeatedly attack other drivers. an adult should know better. when and if and only if it’s determined that the sole purpose of a player is to habitually disrupt others do i agree that it’s ok to implement a ban based on behavior. but dirty racing and generally cocking about? that isn’t againt TOS. and implying it is should not be acceptable.

but children play this game too. including my own. and they suck at driving. because, well… they drive like children. and if this game is going to be rated for all ages, it doesn’t seem ethical to ban people that act immature while they play it. especially if my account gets banned for handing the controller to my son so he can try.


This type of response does not and will never improve the quality of racing in online lobbies.

…not to mention that you’re opening yourself up for someone else to take action against you.

Do not retaliate. Report, block and move on.


don’t care. i’m not going to tattle tail on other people and hope the problem is solved by some one else.
there are ways to solve your own problems. i mute anyone who annoys me over the microphone. it’s really easy to do. and when someone is using unsavory methods to get ahead of me, i’ll just use unsavory methods to get back ahead of them.

problem solved. no running to the teacher and complaining that another kid hit you. show them that you are capable of killing them, and then exercise restraint. they might actually learn how to behave then. i’ve made friends and better racers that way.

wah he pushed me down
wah he cut in line
wah he’s not playing fair
wah he’s not letting me win

grow up. learn to handle problems yourself.

if someone were to break into your home, would you prefer to shoot them, or observe and report? same principle. the difference is only a matter of scale.


You sound like the type of person this is aimed at!!!

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For People in US it might be normal to shoot burglars, but in the civilized world its not an option the masses would choose I believe. Seems that most gamers I meet online prefer Crunchys metod, and 8/10 times you will outdrive the moran chrashing everyone anyhow.


Snowowl is correct, its a fairly simple two stage process to improve your multiplayer gaming.

  1. Report the annoying player from bad conduct

  2. Block the annoying player and leave the lobby

Eventually with a concerted effort by everyone playing then all of the griefers will end up with what they deserve (i.e playing in a lobby with each other)
And a point 3 would be to send FR to good players and then set up a party whenever you are playing online for friends to join (this is what I do whenever playing multiplayer have an OPEN party for friends to join).


Clarification on point 1 - you report them for cheating (you can add a note when you report them if desired). The only two reporting options (that I have seen) are cheating and offensive content.

In a post on the old forums I recall a moderator stating that we should use the “Cheating” option and add a description noting the reason.