Polls: FM Update 6 content feedback

Custom open online lobbies is all we want

Alot of road cars that can be chosen to put in motorsport from Horizon 5 some brand mew to franchise

  1. Single player needs a lot more work. Races are too short and not enough events per championship- a whole championship including practice takes <45 minutes. Older FM games gave the option to lengthen races.
  2. Will we ever get R/P/X class in single player open tour? So many race cars in this game and so little content to use them in single player. I’ve used the Toyota LMP1 car once in the first couple of weeks after release.
  3. Can we not have AI cars pull out ahead in practice and then block the track for half a lap?
  4. Why can’t the main menu car stay as the last one that was used?
  5. Why does my driver suit change every time I open the game?

There’s more but that’ll do as they won’t get read anyway.


The only way this game will be revive if you guys bring in drag and drift like you false advised in the 2022 Xbox showcase trailer , bring in server list for multiplayer, just like fm7 have all class types open, fm7 had 25+ game modes while this is just circuit racing , fm7 had 200 tracks, drift scoring , formula drift cars etc just look at the reviews for fm7 . That’s game was a gem, then someday reason they decided to cut 75% of content for a small community who like to just circuit race

Because Turn10 likes awful and pointless design changes, but thankfully a suggestion for this already exists.

Just imagine it: finally ALL LMH & LMDH cars added with a builders cup featuring a tour specifically for prototype cars (similar to “prototype power tour”) :smiling_face_with_tear:


I hope they add them ASAP.

when are you going to listen to your player base so many things still broken with this game and your losing players hand over fist, fix it,fix the match making put in a radar make it so player have to race clean and encourage this need i go on. sorry im gone, love xbox but my love for racing has been tested with this game seriously, rather play acc tbh true fan of forza that has been broken by your ineptitude seriously poor

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Fix the day one bugs…

I would love to see nordschleife in featured multiplayer. Or even its own hopper. I only play featured multiplayer, so to me there is no point of adding new tracks if they arent going to be used in this rotation

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Love the crash fixes in multiplayer. My friends and I haven’t had a problem since! Just need to fix some more stuff, then I can patiently wait for more content.

Can we please look into the game crashing when browsing through other creator’s designs, in Design and Paint? Seems to consistently crash when designs are loading in to view them.
Also quite a bit of crashes when editing your own designs too.

Also, please add the 2017 Ford Fusion!!!
Some more everyday vehicles can have potential for sleeper builds. In general the more variety the better.


Since we have many new users (or old users but absent for many years) in this thread, I’d like to welcome them (back) to the forums and suggest visiting the Suggestions Hub:

You can upvote there any changes you’d like to see in the game (or post new ideas that weren’t suggested already), as well as tracks and cars to be added :slight_smile:

@CausativeRabbit @HomeSlice8636 @Chris_Vinter @BigFearnley @Maxximoff @Gildrak1 @bergmeister86 @MikeHonchoRex @mchockney @ForzaGrana and others who came later (I can mention only 10 users, sorry :sweat_smile: )


Add Open Track Day for the online Multi-player, drag racing and drift lobbies​:person_shrugging::person_shrugging::person_shrugging:. Where’s the airfield at? The thing I loved the most about this game was being able to go into Open Track Day and show off my build, my skin for the car and just chilling with everyone and occasionally, you found a rival the race. Bring back Open Track Day :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:. I’m tired of playing FM7 because you won’t add it to the new game​:rage:.

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One of the top features we need returned to the series - AI bots in private multiplayer.
Also, we desperately need to be able to control driver/seat height. There are a few cars with absurd default positions that can’t be changed until you grant us this ability.


Love the game to be honest, just making my own class and track combos. But guys we really, really need wheel spacers

My question is why lock certain events on a week to week basis. I can do the whole open class thing to get a car in like 1 hour but you guys give us 4 weeks to do it. So i wait until they are all unlcoked and do them. It just feels pointless. Why even have a reward when each open class stakes 20 mins to do yet you give us a week. My game is running smoother though. I love the 70s 80s 90s race cars and can am or nascars would be lovely also indy. I have about 800 hrs in this game and this was my first time commenting on your forum. I just started with horiizon 5 because i finally got a pc. Im worried whenever grand turismo comes to the pc this game will become irrelevant. The only reaosn i stick with this game is because i have no choice unless i want to buy a ps5.

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Dude sometimes i feel like a 5 year old becauss im sitting so low.

Un saluto a tutto il Team di ForzaMotorsport e a tutti gli appassionati di corse come me . Il gioco é bello e forse basterebbe anche poco per renderlo al Top di gamma… Mi piacerebbe vedere un miglioramento su impostazioni volante, miglioramenti fisica delle vetture… Riguardo al Multiplayer servirebbe più serietà… Qualche ritocco alla grafica non farebbe male!!! Spero di trovare sempre nuovi contenuti ( automobili ,circuiti ecc ecc…) Vi chiedo di non abbandonare il gioco e piano piano renderlo al meglio,renderlo al TOP così gli altri…potranno essere solamente che invidiosi del vostro risultato otteneto dopo tanto lavoro…!!!

Big fan of the tuning in this game. With so many cars to tune, why are we limited to how many tunes we can save. This is rediculous I cannot download friend’s tunes to compare mine or save my own as I get the you have too many of these file types saved . Please fix this it’s getting beyond annoying now as it’s obviously not a bug but another issue we all know you can remedy.

Kind of on topic… Is anyone having major performance issues after Turn10 sent the hotfix out today? After it updated my frames went from 60-100fps to 28-40fps. I’ve checked settings, re-installed video drivers and currently re-installing the game… haven’t had a problem for months with this game and now it seems messed up again.