Poll: Will Update 11 contain a new or a recycled track?

Will Update 11 contain a new track a recycled track or no track, what do you think?

  • New track
  • Recycled track
  • No track
0 voters

My hopes are for a new track, but my expectations are for a recycled track.
In the Update 10 article they mentioned the next track will be released in Update 11, so no track shouldnā€™t be an option.


Plans can always change.

Thatā€™s why I said ā€˜shouldnā€™t beā€™ instead of ā€˜cannot beā€™.

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I hope for a completely new track, something like this:

That would bring back some players I guess. They have to deliver something good for a change not just recycled old stuff.


They need to start wowing people if they want them to return. It will be one recycled track but it really should be 2 tracks at least, preferably with one being new.


they dont care about the fanbase at all or the ā€œvotesā€ in the forums. They do what takes as little effort as possible. Otherwise we would have fujimi in here at launch


Yes, itā€™ll be one of those options. No need for me to vote on something that might be the wrong option. Iā€™ll wait and see.

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I really hope for a new track (unless theyā€™re going to bring Bathurst back), but recycled one seems much more probable, unfortunately.


Monaco would be a literal nightmare situation. Could not imagine a more horrifying combination of tight track widths and a tweaker wreckfest player base.

Imola would make for great racing


I donā€™t even care how the MP would be because I donā€™t play that, I just want the track so I can drive it alone in Rivals or against A.Iā€¦


This would be my personal priority order for the returning tracks from FM7.

# Track
1 Mount Panorama Circuit
2 Road Atlanta
3 Long Beach
4 Sonoma Raceway
5 Autodromo Nazionale Monza
6 Circuit of the Americas

And for a new to Forza track (let me dream here), Iā€™d like to see Imola, Red Bull Ring, Macau Guia or Surferā€™s Paradise (current layout and the 2009ā€™s layout, which is just a longer variation.)


We probably gonna get all the remaining tracks from FM7 first, then weā€™re gonna wait even longer for the new to Forza tracks.


I see myself enjoying this track againts AI, doing multi-class and all that.

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Once you get past the AI I bet you could slow to 5mph and log jam the entire grid hehe

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Very disappointed there was no new track in the last update. Personally, Iā€™d love another current or past F1 track in the next update. Iā€™m thinking Zandfoort (fantastic track), Interlagos, Hungaroring, Malaysia (another great track) Istanbul. Hoping, but doubt if it will be any of these wonderful tracks.


Six to twelve months before we get back to where we were? Geeze-Loueez! Thatā€™s torture. These physics arenā€™t good enough to not make these track updates let downs.

Monaco and the Ring are my favorite tracks to hot lap. Isnā€™t Monaco exclusive to F1 though? Thatā€™s the only place where you can drive the real licensed track IIRC. Canā€™t wait to drive it in something with decent physics once the exclusivity expires.


The fact that they already said the next track is coming mid-August indicates that this track is close enough to completion to publicly commit to a mid-August deliveryā€¦

ā€¦So, if itā€™s that close to ready, why not reveal which track it is in advance?

A new-to-the-series track would be a big opportunity to build hype & spike the active player count by announcing it in advance.
ā€¦and this game could sorely use that spike in engagement.

Thatā€™s why Iā€™m guessing itā€™ll be another recycled track - because pre-announcing more recycled content might likely cause another drop in engagement from disappointed players who give up waiting for something new.

Iā€™d love to be wrong about this though.
Maybe theyā€™ll wise up and reveal this new-to-the-series track some time in the next couple weeks before its mid-August release.
ā€¦Or maybe itā€™s a recycled but highly requested fan favorite (like Bathurst or Fujimi Kaido) that would also benefit from an early reveal.

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Weā€™re not getting any new to Forza tracks until all the FM7 tracks they want to use are in game. Then we may get something new. If we do it wonā€™t be until next year at the earliest.

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Michelin Raceway Road Atlanta

Since the Final IMSA Race of the Season will be at Road Atlanta.

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