[Poll] Which ESRB or PEGI rating should the next Forza Horizon be?

I agree with @Duckduck823030. The games don’t need inappropriate stuff to be “fun”. It’s not “fun” with that in it anyway. If PGG puts I higher rating that includes language, violence, and/or suggestive content, I’m out, along with other people. They don’t need that stuff! If you all wasn’t a higher rated game, go buy gta or crew. Please, please don’t ruin it for everyone else!!!

I’m trying not to sound harsh here, but I am a little aggravated.

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That is one of the campiest and silliest movies ever. I love it.

I strongly doubt however that we’ll be getting new skill point categories like “Cunning Stunt Bonus!” and “Splatter Bonus!” in the next instalment :wink:

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It’s really bonkers. Not watched it for quite a while but remember that word coming to my mind numerous times while watching it.

I can’t edit the poll descriptions anymore so I added an infograph in the opening post with ESRB and other rating comparisons.

Sorry if that’s your opinion. Here’s mine. BYE!!! :wave:.
I’m not being rude here, I’m just voicing my opinion and I’ll tell you where I’m coming from…
This part of the franchise started as a 12+
Imagine being a long time (meaning from day one fm1 and more on topic fh1) player who loved how the horizon franchise started perfect balance of insults and praise ( if you were insulted in a cutscene there’d be someone pep talking you that he just threatened by your potential, kind of speech), difficulty and fun, working your way to the top with the right amount of struggle to get there, not a perfect world but a more realistic approach to how the car scene was (and how the world is), it was all in there. Then as the series of games went on it ended up being for 3 year olds, where everyone wants to be your friend, you didn’t win don’t worry here’s the prize anyway. Struggle to get to the top? Nah here’s an amazing bunch of cars to start with. You need money? No you don’t here’s a bunch of it. Work your way to the top? Nah your the boss. Actually everyone is the boss yey!!!
Why go through all the trouble to make it an immersive world with car scanning and trying to make the cars and map look realistic and then throw the immersion out the window by trying to wrap everyone in cotton wool and sensor everything so no one will ever be offended and giving you everything so you don’t need to bother learning and getting better, no you can’t even say that sorry those who were offended, as getting better at something isn’t how you do things in life.
I know there are going to be people with different opinions (and good, it’s healthy to discuss difference points of view) but to put what I am trying to say into perspective, imagine being a long term fan of say GTA and then they nerfed that so it’s for 3 year olds. This is what this franchise have done. So when people say stick to GTA if you want this and that, I say no! I say stick to your origins, your routes, this is how you got there don’t throw it away for a quick quid or you’ll lose in the end. You say if it went back to how it was you will leave, have you seen this forum? The die hard fans of the franchise are not only threatening to walk because the way the franchise is heading but some already have. These are the people that without them there wouldn’t be a fh2 let alone 5, and what for?? So they can try and rope 3-11 year olds with short attention spans into playing for an hour a week on gamepass? Guess what your die hard fans have now lost interest and this is the level of commitment you get from us now and that’s only due to fomo.
This is not an attack on anyone and I embrace anyone’s different opinions I’m just saying there’s only so much a fan base can take before we pull the plug


I am glad you are not trying to be rude because without proper interpretation this could come across this way.

But yeah, I agree with what you said :+1:

I am just trying to look out for my bro who’s very young and probably should not see stuff like that. I’m good as long as there’s no suggestive themes!!

And yes I was voicing my opinion. Everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Also, the T10 and PGG should not be trying to rope in kids so young. I guess I higher rating would help prevent that.

I too wish you had to work for more. That is NOT realistic!! The world doesn’t just hand you over free cars and say “hey you’re great! Have some stuff. Don’t like it? We’ll double it!!”
NOT AT ALL realistic!!

So yeah. Nic job on this comment. My fingers would get tired!!!

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The current rating doesn’t appear to have detered players…

2 months after launch FH5 broke 15 million players.

7 months after launch that increased to 20 million.

Currently the hall of fame reportedly has over 32 million players.

So I wouldn’t say anyone is wrong but obviously this game is targeted towards the masses. It is after all one of the biggest titles on gamepass which in itself is targeted towards the masses. If they wanted to target a small minority of adults they would. But clearly they haven’t. No poll will change that. Case closed.

12+ is not a small majority, it’s anyone who can hold a controller, especially if you don’t count 65+. I’d really love to know how many <12 play this game? Are it really that many children? It surprises me that they make the decision to make the whole game target them while the vast majority isn’t <12.


Eh, as one of the younger members here, I can confirm that the “masses” are made of stronger stuff than Microsoft thinks they are. A poll most definitely won’t change things, but I think Horizon’s unwarranted After School Special tone is definitly worth ridiculing.


If you include mental age I would say 95% of the game’s player base count as under 12.


Make it Pegi 18 (parental guidance 18) throw every warning at it even if the warnings aren’t needed, like they say is that going to stop under 18’s getting it? I think not,I reckon it’s a 50/50 split when it comes to GTA games who would be old enough to play. Anyone complains about anything, tell them that it came with a warning about that and if it offended your child, your child shouldn’t have been playing, if it offended an adult then why when you were warned. That would take care of protecting your game. And the only thing stopping anyone from playing it would be the type parents who won’t let their daughter watch Barbie because the tables have turned on the Craziness Of Today and Ken’s been seen as the hero. All hail Ken. (You can’t touch me moderators as Barbie is in Forza so what ever message I’m trying to say was said by this game by association) :rofl:


There’s a lot of people under 12 playing this game. Just play the Trial or Horizon Open if you need proof.


Some people would get the game even though they’re only twelve, not tell their parents (or their parents wouldn’t care), and play it just because it has the warning!! The warnings sometimes spark human curiosity.

(My opinion again) parents should watch their kids more and take greater interest in what they do.


I don’t think they can be discussed on here but when you see some of the things/issues kids not even double figures in age are focusing on nowadays I think video games now affect very little in the bigger picture.

The companies know kids buy their games anyway, EA have no shame in Ultimate Team’s packs being gambling and are taking it further than ever before with the name change to EASFC, and Rockstar well…only gamers who’ve been living under a rock for the last 20 years don’t know kids make up a huge chunk of their consumer base.