The first Horizon in my opinion was the best one. Great soundtrack, good QUALITY of cars, and an amazing map and car sounds. The story was also good. The Corrado you had to start out with wasn’t fast like the starter cars in 4, but I enjoyed having a few cars to race and upgrade over the course of the game, instead of 700+ cars which I only drive and never touch again.
I get that Playground wants to appeal to kids, but they should be appealing to teenagers and adults as well. No 6 year old would actually want to be a part of a real world music festival. Also, why is that they banned stuff like the US battle flag and the Rising Sun when people who don’t want to see that stuff can just turn off player designs? And what happened to the SS badges? They’re not offensive at all.
For Horizon 5, the devs over at Playground should spend 4 years per game if they can’t make one that isn’t filled with bugs that they “won’t fix and are by design.”
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Lets just offend the whole world. Awesome idea dude…
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I’m against the General Lee ban on principle (it’s the main use of the flag in a non-racist context) but ironically I’m not gonna miss it since the Charger’s paint section will become A LOT less cluttered with trash General Lee replicas.
I think FH1 had some great ideas that PG sadly didn’t develop further, but to call it “the best” is a bit of a stretch. All of the games in the franchise have their pros and cons, and FH1 has some very big cons. Namely the fact it’s a 360 title so it doesn’t benefit from the haptic triggers on the Xbox One controller, and also the generic feel to the story. In FH1 you have a very NFS-style story, and a bad one at that.
IMO, FH1’s progression is considered the best because it’s pretty standard, but like its successors it’s still a very open game where you must collect lots of cars to complete the events. That being said, FH1 is probably still the game that uses the Showcases and PR Stunts best out of them all, since they give you meaningful rewards for the most part.
Also, I’m playing through FH1 right now and enjoying it a lot! A nice break from FH4’s Disneyland.
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