Firstly, very excited for the forthcoming Forza Motorsport!
I’ve been reading about the safety ratings for multiplayer and whilst I’m sure it’ll have some kinks to iron out, I’m glad of its inclusion.
It does make me think though, is there no scope to introduce something like that in singleplayer and make it a single safety rating score for the entire game and maybe even educational to a degree? As long as there is a toggle off (with drastically reduced prizes for doing so to encourage you to keep it on) then the game can still be accessible and fun when players just want a sandbox destruction derby.
There are a few camps of gamers when it comes to console games like this ranging from newbies, to trolls, to sim races and everything inbetween but the one commonality is everybody will (most likely) be spending at least some time in singleplayer, certainly at the beginning. For newbies especially a more educational based safety rating system could not only teach them how to race fairly but could even make them faster helping them along the learning curve that bit quicker. Something like this may just help condition players fresh out of their singleplayer campaign to race more cleanly when undertaking their initial multiplayer ventures.
In terms of it being educational it could range from on screen text tips reacting to infractions that have occurred, to videos or even training events similar to GT’s license system.
Anybody got any thoughts on the safety ratings?