Hi all, been enjoying the game so far. However, I have experienced some quirks, annoyances, and (maybe) bugs along the way.
I understand many things are still coming. Besides the givens of drift modes, and the addition of the Nordschleife (very disappointed in the lack of this at launch, but very excited and hope it comes ASAP) , I also believe it is very important that we get a detailed stats area added to the game menus. Most important of all would be some feedback regarding safety rating for multiplayer. It would also be nice to see some information on safety rating (+ or -) info at the end of each multiplayer race. iRacing does this nicely.
Speaking of safety rating, I assume much of this will work itself out over time, but it is currently incredibly frustrating to race in S rating and still see so many crashes. It shouldn’t have been so easy to get to S in the first place. As someone who is primarily interested in a clean, competitive multiplayer environment, I would rank this as #1 on my priority list. A and S tier safety ratings should be reserved for the players that make it their utmost priority to race fairly and cleanly. I have no problem with a ruthless penalty system as well.
As I’ve seen mentioned by some other users, some cars seem unrealistically unstable under hard braking. I’ve had some cars, mostly RWD BMWs, get very squirrelly, and even excessively oversteer while under hard straight line braking. This may need some mild tweaking. I should note I usually drive with ABS on, Traction off, Stability off.
One aggravating thing I have encountered is with the BMW E30 M3, while using the interior cockpit POV, the game audio begins to sound like some sort of oscillating, periodic wave. It sort of sounds like the buffeting you experience while you drive with just your rear windows down. I only have noticed this with this car alone, but it has been persistent on all tracks and modes. Extremely irritating.
Last thing I can think of is wheel settings. I’m sure this complaint has been heard already but please change the default wheel settings. It is the worst I have ever felt in 8 years with my Thrustmaster TX.
Thanks so much to the devs for your hard work on this game, looking forward to seeing improvements and additions that will hopefully bring this game to a “complete” state.
To the rest of the community, cheers.