Poll: Do you like FOMO game mechanics?

I don’t know anything about GT7, there is FOMO in GT7 too?

They’ve added and deleted more events from the game than there actually are in the set “career”. It’s absolute madness really that T10 think it’s an acceptable approach.


Voted “no”.

Terrible and all around silly idea.

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Not just FM but I also don’t like the FOMO in FH5 because they may have good new cars but the FOMO Festival Playlist is boring, grindy, & frustrating. Used to enjoy it first but now, it’s getting out of my experience. But I’m still getting new cars in FH5 until it ends its life.

So far, the new cars in GT7 aren’t part of FOMO, you can get them all at once in relative ease.


The only PITA thing with GT7 and buying cars is the Legends car dealer, oh yeah, also the hideous roulette ticket system but thats another story.
Not only are they “real world prices”,I dont know if this is true or not, but they cycle the cars available. If you miss it first time around you have to wait for a month or so until it comes around again, theres a website and forum dedicated to the game so you dont have to fire up the game each day to see if your wanted car is available. No FOMO though fortunately.
Apart from a few foibles it works quite well.

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I would vote yes, but only because you can call this game FO-za Mo-sport, Forza Fomosport, and the likes


Imagine all the single player content we would have now if these idiots actually had left it for us to replay as a career mode. I seem to remember them having a selling point around having a career mode in the game? I wonder where that is, the laughable builders cup?



Chris Esaki explaining the all-new approach: “level, build, dominate”. :crazy_face:

Forza Motorsport: Builders Cup

The mode is centered on a series of “Tours of Motorsport” events (and we see what they did there), which are curated events based around certain makes, models, types, or eras of cars. These are not fixed events either, with Esaki noting that new events would be formed from new car and track content as it’s added to the game

So when is this going to happen Chris???
Are you waiting for more content and tracks to be added???

All we have seen is content come and content go


FH5, I missed the 22 Porsche 911 Gt3 RS a few months ago in the festival playlist, and I’m so pissed I can’t get it ever now.


…Do you mean the regular GT3? Because I’ve been playing consistently enough to know that the current GT3 RS has yet to appear in any Forza game (it’s in Gran Turismo 7, though).


You’re talking Horizon and yes you can, it’s called the Auction House

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You can see on these pictures that I own all Porsche in the game, but there is no 2022 911.


And that’s why they don’t have it :laughing:


Don’t know, why I “liked” that post of drewcrap - was a mistake. Can’t unlike it. Just sayin’ :blush:

Edit: could take the chance to post my opinion here: no, I don’t like FOMO. It was the main reason to uninstall the game (Carleveling for parts was another, before they changed it).

It wouldn’t be that bad, if there was content to play.

Exact wording was “added”, not “permanently added”. My guess is Esaki is one of those genies that grant your wishes’ exact wording as a curse.

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I guess we got 5 obstinate people on the forums.


Yeah wouldn’t put it passed them to remove cars and tracks as well.

No Promises in such a content poor title is fitting, I’d be ok with no more content added until they fix all the bugs, rework 90 percent of the audio and completely redo the entire UI

At this point I just want them to leave WHATEVER content they add in the game forever. The reason I don’t play as much anymore is because there is not enough tracks, the meager selection we have right now gets very stale after a while. The barebones singleplayer could be much much better already if they had left the content in. People new to the game didn’t see the sad state the game was in at release, content wise, but as it is they currently will still be disappointed because nothing of substance has been added and retained.


I wish Turn 10 would realize it’s possible to reward us for playing without punishing us for not playing. FOMO is just manipulative garbage.
In a game that’s already starved for content, it’s insane to only add this content temporarily.
Forza Motorsport has some great bones, but not much meat on those bones.


This game mechanic in my case actually has opposite effect, I don’t even bother playing events since I don’t like mindless grind just for the sake of it. I like to play at my own pace.

It’s mind boggling how these game companies are so disconnected from what is actually a good game experience. Only shows that most of AAA games are created by people who never played a game in their life.

Suits only care about MAU and some stupid statistics, while they don’t understand that listening to community can just make them more money with good products.