Playground Select Car Pack.. Doesn't work.


Trying to get the FREE car pack advertised through the Forza Hub, from the MS Store, I press “Get it FREE” and just sits there constantly spinning. Now, don’t say it’s anything to do with my internet, router or XboxONE, nothing has been changed since I noticed this pack.

Is it broken again ?

I’ve been trying to download this pack for days and still get the “Marketplace error” this exclusive content can not be purchased at this time.

I’m beginning to get a tad upset

Are you going through the Forza hub? This is the only way to get it,you cannot get it off the market place,on the hub it will say get playground select pack,select that and it will take you to the market place where you can download it free.

Na, I was trying to get it through the standard method. That worked, thanks for the help.

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No problem!

I assume Turn 10 are aware… We’ll see.

I’m having the same problem even with Forza Hub.It says Forza Hub is temporarily not available.

It seems some people are having problems with the hub. Have you done a hard reset of your console,exit all games,press and hold the power button on the console until it shuts off,unplug the power supply and wait until the orange light goes out,plug back in and start your console. If anything is wrong on your end this should take care of it,if not its on T10s end.

As I’ve explained, I’ve done all of this, I’ve powered it down, unplugged for 10 minutes, switched it back on, launched the Forza Hub app, gone through the process of trying to “Get it FREE” and it just sits there swirling away and I’ve left it for a good hour and still the same.

As I’ve said I’ve got a good internet connection, hardware wise nothing has been touched or software wise so I don’t see how it’s my problem. There have been a few issues the past couple of weeks since this big update to FM6 which has caused many problems with FM5 and Horizon 2 not syncing up gamesaves (which is now fixed) and so on.

So how do half of the community get this free pack and others don’t such as myself, it’s obviously down to Turn10 that there’s a problem.

This is definitely an issue going on with the app and T10 servers.

My app used to work without a hitch before FM6 was announced.

Then came the “Presenting FM6 sign…”, at which point it would just sit there with the spinning circle - no option to skip it or watch later.

Now, the FM6 text is gone, and I just get “Forza Hub is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later”. I hit ‘try again’ 2 to 3 times and I get what appears to be a glimpse of the app’s homepage with a large tacho and speedo in the background and the app’s logo in the middle.

Had me all excited, but that’s it. It won’t connect or launch. I’ve tried all the steps needed to get things running smoothly, and it is quite possible people in specific regions are experiencing the problem more so than others.

Please T10, I quite humbly ask you resolve this. It would be nice if someone from the dev team can add to this discussion and let us know when the issue will be resolved for good, for everybody.

Motor on!

Seriously guys? Weird because I got it instantly. Not sure if the rest of you got this but in Forza, pause your game, go to social and on the top right (I think) is a tab that says “Forza rewards” or something like that. Click on that, and if you haven’t downloaded the app already, it should make you download it. But once you open it up. the very first page or “home screen” of the app should say something like, “Get the playground pack for free!” or something to that effect. Hope that helped!

I have it free on several accounts yet others not even the free Civic

I managed to download the dlc pack but some of the cars go from being free to needing to be paid for with credits or tokens after selecting a design.
where as other cars i just was able to purchase for free one time like all other dlc i have bought.

This issue is now resolved. Turns out the Microsoft store was down/payments hence why I couldn’t access it, now I’ve downloaded it and it works.

Dang, I hate to bring this up again and again… but is Forza Hub running fine for you guys?

Hi I’m having a terrible time since I tried to download the playground pack . It said pack purchased and downloaded but when I tried to download each car it tried to charge me tokens or credits. Xbox support went thru everything then told me to sign out of profile then back in after that forza horizon 2 and forza 5 wouldn’t sync. They told me to delete game save data now I’ve lost all my car packs and dlc they all show as purchased but won’t download keeps trying to charge me im gutted

^^ Something really funny going on with T10 servers I imagine. Forza Hub has stopped working altogether for me and both Hor2 and FM5 no longer sync. Funny thing is I can redeem rewards here and keep getting those tiny drivatar rewards every now and then.

Wish there were an option to get free DLC/car packs from the Rewards section here at the forums.

I downloaded the pack on the day it was released and the cars still are not free in the gam

I have this pack on 3 out of 4 accounts on my Xbox.
The 4th one can’t even get the free Honda.
I have uninstalled it on the account then it says it’s free. But can’t be downloaded. As soon as I reinstal,l it costs again.
I’ve just given up on it and am just happy I have it on my 2 most important accounts and will purchase the cars on the last one.