Physics/tune cruising vs. racing

Hi, I read it many times here but I couldn’t find it again. It’s about different physics/tune during races. Today, I was cruising around with my Mosler after Forzathon. I use it for PR stunts and Forzathon only and know it pretty well. Invitation for a race came (no, not endurance…) so I wanted to show them what Mosler can :smiley: From the start I got out in every corner because of different grip. Like I said, I know my Mosler very well and I am sometimes in top 100. It was different Mosler and I know I read it here often. What is it? What’s the secret?

Does it seem like the race tyres get replaced with banana skins when entering races? Sometimes it seems like that.

Exactly, maybe different tune, maybe different physics. Hard to say but I don’t race too much so I am not sure. Is it with single-player too? I normally race with AI only and with slower cars.

Nobody knows the secret? :frowning: