Did they change the handling physics?

i just took one of my older tunes into a CC race and what was once rock-solid now bounces all over the place. not only that but the steering is next-level crazy now and hard to keep straight. do i need to retune this now, and for that matter, will all my tunes be totally borked and have to be redone?

Yes they changed something mainly affecting taller cars.

Depends. I have a A-class tune that i really liked. Far from meta, but could be used against unbeatable drivatars. It actually became a little bit faster when driven right, but it also became a lot harder to control,…

bummer. i guess they never heard the old adage “if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. as i usually create new tunes each week for the playlist, i don’t use older tunes that often. this makes me wonder how many old tunes are useless now…

“if it ain’t broke don’t fix it”.
Depending on who you ask it was already broken. :sweat_smile:

I’m always looking for new tunes. From previous experience its very easy to load into a race and realise you’re now driving a mattress.

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I use a wheel (G923) and honestly: have not noticed any real difference in my tunes on my off-road vehicles, or any others for that matter since this change. I’m curious what they did change, and why I don’t seem to have the problem many others have demonstrated.

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I’m using a wheel too and I haven’t noticed a huge difference between 4 and 5 either. My old tunes typically just need a little tweaking. Force Feedback seems a bit weaker.

I saw this vid, and I understand what is demonstrated - so let me rephrase that:

…is what I was trying to say.

Maybe they try to make car handling fit the new HW track.
There are some understeer on some cars. (With controller)

Weight was not being properly transferred through the upper parts of the car. It created these situations where particular cars were extremely fast and grippy when they shouldn’t be. The international scout and the GMC Jimmy were good examples of this.

You could turn the Jimmy into a rediculous track car with insane grip and power, and it could pull high lateral G’s that in real life would have sent such a high, top heavy car tumbling regardless of the grip of the tires. Instead the Jimmy stayed perfectly planted.

This was a bugfix.