I am having this issue exclusively with all Forza games including FM7 on my pc where I would have normal 60fps all the time in the main menu and in a race but if I leave the race afterwards, my FPS would be locked to 30 FPS and GPU usage would jump to 99%
My pc specs are gtx 980, 16 GB ram and ryzen 1600.
I have no overheating problems whatsoever as monitored by MSI afterburner.
I tried reinstalling the GPU drivers, increasing the page files or disabling them entirely. Which don’t help still.
Lowering the graphics settings doesn’t help, only a game restart fixes it till it happens again.
Edit: I have fixed this issue by overclocking my ryzen 1600 cpu to 3.7ghz. now after playing 3 races and running the benchmark consequently, i no longer get performance degradation. which is weird considering that msi afterburner never showed 100% cpu utilization. anyways, hopefully this helps other people who happen to stumble upon this thread when googling this issue.
Edit 2: nope overclocking DOES NOT fix this issue. apparently when i overclocked last time, the game set the graphics settings to dynamic. that’s why i could maintain 60 fps. all i can say is that this is a serious bug with forza engine and this needs to be fixed.