FPS drops/stuttering when the Win 10 Xbox App is open

Hey Guys,

for the last 2 days I had sudden FPS drops throughout the game, no matter the car, no matter the track. I had early access and everything was smooth.
Yesterday I decided to investigate. I’m not a big hardware guy (or software, for that matter), but I use MSI Afterburner to check my temps and I found that the GPU utilization was spiking really hard, but it seemed to work for the first races when I launched the game, after that I tried a private lobby with a friend and found that the stuttering was back.

After some frustration I thought to myself: “What if it’s the Xbox App that’s starting when I launch Multiplayer?”, so I decided to run a SP race without the Xbox App open…everything was smooth, then I opened the Xbox App and went back to drive…the stuttering was back, as well as the spikes Afterburner showed me, when I minimized the Xbox App (so it’s running, but only in the taskbar), the stuttering and the spikes disappeared.

TL;DR: If I open the Xbox App open on Windows 10 while playing Forza 7 I get massive stuttering and the GPU utilization is spiking, if I minimize it everything is back to normal. Wanted to check if someone wiht similiar problems can confirm this. If it helps anybody else, the better.

This game is clearly broken on PC, I’m not sure if it’s the Xbox app causing the performance issues, I think it’s a memory leak somewhere else in the game.

I have tried multiple times to fix this yet it always returns no matter what I do to my system.

To add this to the known issues is simply not good enough and I would like an official announcement from T10 when we can expect a patch for the PC performance issues. Forza Apex and FH3 performed exactly the same as this and took months to fix although micro stutter still existed on occasions.

Other game houses can produce racing games that don’t stutter on Windows 10 so why cant Turn 10, I suspect they didn’t want the PC to out perform their X1X and proof of that will be when a patch rolls out weeks/months after the release of the X1X.

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