People Getting The New Additions Early

A YouTuber I’ve watched a few times released a video today that was about the best car sound settings for the ones that are being added in this series + the next one (I’m sure some on here will know who it is just from that so I won’t name them in case it isn’t allowed) and there is footage of them actually driving the cars, I’ve already come across a random player at the festival driving the '18 RS4 as well.

Do some players get given them early by PG or have they just got them through some dodgy/illegal method?

I know that some updates contain future content which is hidden until it should be accessible. They did just that with their last update. Users can then datamine this stuff to determine what future content is coming. Unlocking this content though is a different story though…

I just saw a similar video, showcasing the cars.
He said in the comments that it was a mod.
So yeah, naughty!

I saw Dodge Magnum in freeroam recently via the online player list.

I have Eventlab races to get photos of some of new stuff, and AI can drive whatever they wish.
If people clocking to get new stuff, that’s a big nono. But tunes and liveries available instantly, so who knows.

That dodgy/illegal method is just a well known issue carried over from previous FH titles.
Don’t know if those players get tracked and banned at least for a while.
But I also already saw a player with the VW-Pickup freeroaming.

Tine Travel. Thats what the Delorean is for :wink:

I do know it’s possible without mods or cheats to create liveries for cars you don’t own. I forget how to do it (was only a few days ago it was told to me on this forum), but I do know it is possible and totally legitimate.

Tunes though, that I don’t think it’s possible without cheating, though there could be a similar method, and people are just tuning based on the numbers.

So yeah TL;DR it’s totally possible to paint a car you don’t have a can’t own yet through legitimate, non-cheating ways.

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Under paint there’s an option to select car then for all cars. When I looked at it I thought it was pretty locked down. It was limited to autoshow cars and the unreleased Carpass cars were not available.

I saw a guy on reddit who got gifted a Magnum randomly and doesn’t know what to do with it

I’ve seen a lot of these videos on TikTok as well, and they told me they got it by swiping the car.

Influencers like Ericship 111 are given early access.

Influencers like Ericship 111 are given early access.

Outside of game launch I’ve not actually seen anyone showing early access stuff that was provided by the studio. Been a plenty of people showing cars obtained via illegal mods though.


Accessing things that arent available yet puts your save and your ability to play forza at risk.

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for safety reasons I don’t open gifted barns until series 8


For my tv and controllers safety I don’t open barn finds full stop.

Just to clarify - can we get banned for accepting gifts?

I would like to specifically know the official stance on what happens if someone gifts me an “unreleased” car.

Is not opening ANY gift from the barns the only way to be safe?

If unknown for sure then I would appreciate a mod checking with the team and letting us all know.


or even a modded car that is a released car…

This is the primary reason I do not open ANY gift car. It is not worth the risk, even if it is a small risk.

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You’re a lot more likely to get a Gremlin or 90s golf via the gift barns than anything “risky” based on my experience. I just wouldn’t use anything online until it’s available otherwise. Gifting and auctioning go through their servers so they’re able to enforce the appropriate party if desired.

Imagine that. Some kid gets gifted an ultimate version of this game for their birthday. They log in for the first time to see a gifted car. They are over the moon with joy and start driving around. A few moments later they get disconnected and try to login, only to see that they have been perma banned.