Question for wheel users who know more than I do, is the on center steering always feel vague or is there a setting i can adjust. What I mean is when the wheel is in its neutral position there is no feel or weight until you feed in a few degrees of steering and the wheel feels loose when it is in its neutral position. Is this normal? The wheel feels fine on FM6 and FM7, so i know my wheel isn’t broken or anything like that.
what wheel are you using? what are your steering sensitivity, degrees of rotation, and ffb settings?
I am using a TMX Force Feedback wheel.
My settings are as follows:
Vibration Scale: 10
Force Feedback Scale: 25
Wheel Rotation Angle: 900
Force Feedback Understeer: 10
Force Feedback Minimum Force: 15
Wheel Damper Scale: 200
Center Spring Scale: 200
I am on Xbox One and have no idea where the steering sensitivity adjustment is so not sure what it’s set at.
turn your wheel damper to 0 it lags the wheel they need to remove that really, the tmx isnt the fastest you should turn rotation to 720 or 540,center spring try 70 at 200 it has to be clipping, turn ffb to 50 or higher 25 seems low but with wheel damper at 200 your wheel must feel like its under water. my bad they list sensitivity as linearity 50 is default turn down 1 notch at a time IF the damper at 0 isnt enough. PS any racing game with a wheel damper/shock absorber/suspension ffb setting turn it off messes with the ffb accuracy.
Thanks for the reply your suggestions helped with the accuracy of the wheel but i figured out that the issue was with the “Force Feedback Minimum Force” setting being too low, I raised it significantly and it fixed the problem. One last question tho, would you suggest using sim or normal steering?
im a hardcore sim guy but in this game i use normal something doesnt feel right with sim its like the self aligning torque is off. glad you figured it out.