No information from replays?

When looking a replay i cannot see any information about the speed, gear, rpm etc.
Is it supposed to be like that or is there any trick for it?
I remember Forza 4 had this.

I don’t know any way to get info, telemitry doesnt work like it does in fm4. There is very little you can learn from watching someones replay, which was usefull to me in fm4, when watching top leaderboards :frowning:

Put this in your feature wishlist if you hav one.

That is how it is for FM5 currently and there is nothing you can do in the game to display those information. Yes FM4 had them and it was great!

*[mod edit-fb] that’s a good thing u would copy there tune n setup n think it’s urns they worked hard on it do it urself lol

Don’t think you have played forza 4. In fm4 you could bring up telemitry and see how hard there breakn, how much gas there givn, there speed, when do they shift, you could learn alot on how to drive better. There was no way to see there tune or what dampaning they hav and such. It was very usefull. Also you could spectate your friends and see there telemitry and get a better idea of there drivn style is like and other fun stuff.

I really would like to have telemetry back…

I used the Forza 4 Telemetry and replays to help establish the following;

Rims / Rim Size
Tyre Width
Roll Cage
Weight Reduction
Ride Height / Springs
Tyre Pressure
Gears and gear changes
Braking points
Corner entry and exit speeds.

The majority of this can still be done on Forza 5.

And how exactly?

I believe that the reason we don’t have telemetry is that the game engine is probably fudging on some stuff to reduce how much information the One needs to process during races. I think it’s related to the fact that we also have absolutely no mechanical damage for AI cars no matter what settings you select. Also related would be the Drivatar system that probably again fudges performance to work AI times to a certain lap pace. Telemetry could betray such things.

but during the race you can watch your telemetry, you just need to push the d-pad…it’s the telemetry of the other players that I would like to see, particularly the one of the best drivers.
it is a very useful learning tool.
from the replay however you can still get some informations but not all the ones that you need. take for example the bounty hunter event, if the gears were not displayed in the cockpit view I wouldn’t have imagined that sticking to the 5th gear on the straight was the best solution.

I love that you cant see anything, it gives us #1’ers a chance to storm the board without wasting hours of work, only to be stolen without being able to do anything, you can still tell the speed if you go into cockpit, at least for the e21

It would be nice for replays to show lap numbers and the event results (fastest lap / total time) - It’s kind of a pain reviewing 30 lap races- with out that as minimum. I’d love to have telemetry back, but if we couldn’t it be nice to see lap counts so when reviewing it would be easier to no where we are, and the not use a stop watch, and counter for laps.

Telemetry being gone is awesome.

Figure out the tune for yourself instead of copying.

While I agree with this in principle, you should be able to see your own telemetry in a replay, just not anyone else’s telemetry.

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Well said and nuff said.

Telemetry being gone is awesome.

Figure out the tune for yourself instead of copying.

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No it is not. My intention has nothing to do with any tunes. I would like to know some top speeds at various corners etc.

You stole the words out of my mouth :smiley:

It is not awesome. I look at replay telemetry to sit back and analyze my runs. As for copying the tunes, I did not know that was even possible!

Follow the ghost?

If you are going slower than the ghost then the speed is faster.