Newb here with a question on upgrades.

Just started playin forza, I have a question that has been bugging me. I bought a car(s) to race in career mode but when I go to upgrade the car with parts my car is now not legal to race. I’ve done some lookin at other cars but seems like they all are maxed at class level or only give you 5 to 10 points to improve. So what’s the pointing upgrades if you can’t race them. Or are the upgrades ment for online use.

I’ve looked and looked to see if this has been asked so if I missed that post my bad on the repost.

Cars bought in Career mode are automatically upgraded to the top of the eligible car class for that series. You can back out to the main menu Buy Cars to buy them at stock PI (and for fewer credits) without the parts, and then buy the parts and upgrade as you see fit. There’s a limit on each particular Career series, but there are Rivals events and multiplayer where you may want to upgrade that car further. Here’s a list of the Career event restrictions:

Thanks bud. I got it now. Now that changes everything!