I would like to find the best way to earn Credits and have fun at the same time. The last forza i played was forza 2 an borrowed horizon so im out of the loop on what to do. I have around 650k but would like to get up there to get an X class car which costs around 1.2 mil- 2 mil. Whats the best way to get there? Rivals? If so where would i go on there…I don’t have Fast cars which is why im asking for guidance, thanks in advance!
Rivals,they have all classes of cars,you could also do free play as you can set cars,tracks and number of laps as well as how many ai you want to race,have fun!
Just race. Rivals, Career, free play, whatever rocks your world.The more you race the faster you earn exp. The faster you earn exp the more leveling rewards you get. If you get the VIP pack those rewards double. I never worry about earning credits and just race and i’ve always got enough credits to buy almost any car under 1mil. I’d probaly have a couple million credits but I keep buying my favorite cars. I ususally only play for a couple hours a day for the last week since I got my XBO and Forza 5.
It also helps to use the same brand of car to get the manufacturers affinity bonus. Rivals are good if you enjoy hot lapping you don’t need to be fast just focus on posting clean laps. Pick your favorite car and do rivals in that class then cycle through your favorite tracks. This is probably the most beneficial as you will improve your skills quicker and get familiar with the tracks. Going through career mode is good too I was able to make a ton of money just progressing through the series. I would recommend using the same car as much as you can to save money.
Use the tuning forum to find open source tunes,then run rivals. I’ve accumulated about 40 mil and can buy any car I need.
Just remember to have fun.
Rivals, but you have to be smart about it. Beat a rival, get your credits and then move on to the next. The game will give you a new rival based on friends list while driving, but sometimes the jump between rival targets is large which may not be helpful if your goal is to get a lot of credits.
Career pays a good bit if you increase the difficulty
Stick to a few brands of cars because there is a credit bonus for brand affinities that are high.
Forza Rewards. There is a tab at the top of this site that leads to this page. Basically things such as achievements, in race badges, cars owned, days played, etc. for all Forza games will put you in a tier. Each month, the tier you’re in gets rewards (usually credits) for their playing feat. Chances are you have rewards available to be claimed.
Wait for a money glitch.