I am relatively new to Forza 5 and was just wondering if some people would follow me so my drivatar could feature in some races and earn me some extra credits
Easiest way to make money is rivals. The Drivatar doesn’t earn you a lot of cr tbh regardless of how many races it participates in. Set a private lobby up with a few friends and do some 10-15 lap races on a few tracks every night, after a week of racing you’ll be rolling in the cash moneys…
The majority of my money has come from running rivals, playing through career mode and then commenting on the articles in the news section and the most have come from my Forza rewards. I’ve racked up about 7 million that way.
As said rivals is a good way to get cash you can also sign up for Forza rewards and earn cash each month. I’ve earned 10.5 Million just from that. Also racing in public lobbies getting podium you can get good cash on top of each time you level up you get 35K (more if your VIP).
do the career including bonus races. you’ll have more than enough credits for the car you will need for the next set of races before you need it. and i did the career when it only paid 17.5k. i’ve owned every non dlc car for over a month and now i am just racking up credits with nothing to spend them on. running out of credits is not something you really need to worry about. running out of stuff to spend credits on is more of a problem. if gifting come back i’ll donate 13 mill to who ever wants it. and i haven’t even been playing that much lately.
Multiplayer hoppers are also an extremely underrated way of gathering credits. I’ve made roughly 3 million in a couple of nights racing in C Class hoppers.
People keep saying Rivals is great for money but from my experience, at least with past games, Rivals is only good if you’re beating times that are high on the leaderboards. Most players aren’t capable of beating times in the top 0.5%. TC said he’s new to Forza, so he would probably be doing good to be in the top 10%, where lap times aren’t worth much…, at least not in previous games.
That’s not true at all. I never had anything but Forza 5, so I don’t know about older versions. I have over 100 cars and still have a good bit more than 60 million CR. I got most of it from running rivals too. I wasn’t beating any top times, or even coming close, until recently. Rivals pays out based on laps more than anything else. You get extra credits for beating rivals, and higher ranked ones too, but the real payout is in the XP and the leveling up that it creates. I’m close to level 1400 now and collected most of those bonuses as a Non-VIP member. Once I paid for the VIP, my CR started to go through the roof from running rivals. Just run lots of laps in rivals and your CR will skyrocket.
To the OP, don’t even worry about what you get from your Drivatar…
Another way I have made money before I was good enough to compete in rivals was in free play. Select your favourite track like spa set it for 20 laps, it’ll take a little while but the rewards are great. Just make sure you use your own car!
I’ll agree with Sp4nk. Free play is a good way yo rack up cash. Add the max drivatars and turn off most assists (for a bigger bonus) and do 10 or so laps.
Drivatar will pay out 3K-10K a day but each day is use-or-lose, ie if you take a week off you’ll find the same 3K-9K as if you played yesterday.
Rivals will pay a high amount if you beat the rival or a low amount if you didn’t, times the number of miles (only laps completed count). If you beat a rival and then stay on the track to run it up to, say, 20 laps, you’ll get a big credits payout - and enough xp to kick you up 2 levels (and pick up the 2x leveling credits all that xp gets you). If you don’t beat the rival in 20 laps, you’ll get a lot less credits directly for the rival result, but the xp is still based on distance driven, so you’ll still level-up and get the big credit rewards for that. Plus, you will gradually become a much better driver on that track in that car.
Career mode pays out well, and you can set the drivatar difficulty to whatever suits you - sometimes I want golds, sometimes I want a race-long dogfight with experts or pros, sometimes I want to set it on Unbeatable and get the other racers out front and out of my way. You get a nice extra payout (around 12K) for each league you complete, and you get achievements for completing one, a bunch, and all leagues.
Online racing pays too, but a lot less if you aren’t medaling, and the race-to-race lobby time means on average 3-4 less laps per hour than career mode.