Many of my friends have up to 10 million Credits and don’t buy cars unless they need to I buy the cheap cars that take the majority of my garage space and I’m not really poor in game with 2.2 million but I feel so poor because I don’t have the same amount of money that I did in Forza 4 (5 Million the hard way). anyway how can I earn more/quick money in Forza 5 I already claimed all the rewards money I know rivals works too same with difficulty and I’m not getting any further in multiplayer unless i try the higher classes but after getting sick of the smashing in A class I’ve stuck to C class.
(I know I shouldn’t complain but I have my point and questions too)
Easy answer is to just race. you could also get the VIP package and have your leveling payouts double. I bought two cars this weekend for a combine total of 1.6 million credits and I made that back and then some before I was done. I was mostly racing rivals and tuning my cars to try and get more performance out of them. Wasn’t even seriously racing.
I’m already using the VIP and I know beginner C class pays half the normal C class pays but I like the people’s racing style in it because I’m about the same level.
I’m at level 120 with 7.7ish million in the bank. Not sure how many cars are in my garage but it is enough.
A few of the things I do… I test drive my tunes in free play so I get paid while tuning cars. It’s a slower tuning process though because every time you need to change a setting you have to exit the race.
Use the affinity bonuses whenever possible. With higher affinity you can start getting bigger bonuses and they might be small per race, but in a 10 race series they can easily account for over 15,000 extra credits. Get more forza players on your friends / followers list that way your drivatar can be getting a little more action. Also while on the subject of drivatar… Try to have it 100% synced, meaning make sure you have driven 8-10 laps around every track. That will help your drivatar earn more as he will be a better driver.
race more. buy the chevy yellow x class car andd download the 38 second tune for indy, then free play indy with all assists turned off. use manual tranny because once you hit to gear you dont shift again unless you wreck. set teh drivatars to unbeatable. turn off all brakeing assists because you wont need to touch them. then do a 50 lap race. it should take barely over 1/2 an hour. as long as you dont wreck you’ll lap 2nd place twice even on unbeatable. it should pay over 200k i think if you have enough assist turned off . you get about 1k a lap so 50k for winning, over double that with bonuses, then level up 3-4 times. thats about 400k an hour. 5 hours will be about 2 mill which is the most expensive car in the game.
i have over 12 mill in credits and haven’t played for about 2 months. i already own every non dlc car and earn more credits racing my cars that i spend on parts tuneing the cars. i i played as much as i used to i would own every car, every part, and have probably 100 mill in credits with nothing to spend them on. running out of stuff to by is alot more of a problem than running out of credits to buy it with in fm5. by the way buying every car was a mistake. it takes forever to scroll to the car you want before the online prerace timer runs out. if i played as much as i used to i would probably delete half the cars.
Do this and you can also run rivals. Even if you dont have the best car you will still move up very fast if you run the lap clean. do about 10 laps and see how much you get. It wont be as much as how rdo said but it will keep you doing different tracks of your choosing
Aside from the stuff already offered, I just didn’t buy expensive cars unless I had to. There was one circuit in particular where I chose the Hennessey Venom which was about half the price of the other cars you could choose and I did just fine with it. Fun car, too – like strapping yourself to a rocket.
The money will come as you race. I’m doing pretty well and for about half of my career, the level up payouts were only 15000 CR. I looked up a few of my stats this morning. The Mini + Takumi’s great tune probably ran me about 60,000 CR and I’ve made about 700,000 CR with it. That’s a pretty good investment, in my book.
The only way to be strapped for cash in this game is to be addicted to all of the high-end cars and want to drive them all right now.
Lots of Rivals and longer (15-20 laps) races in free mode or whatever that’s called against unbeatables (They’re pretty beatable actually) with minimal assists if any. I’ve got 31mil, ton of cars (not all them though) and level 600 something from mostly that. I’m not even pulling the VIP bonuses, just regular bonuses.