Need Tuning Advice

I’m just getting into doing my own tuning and want some advice from the more experienced guys here. I drive mostly rally style and saloon style cars (especially retro ones) and prefer a grippy feel to a drifty feel. I want the car to be very responsive to turns but stick to the road. I want to be able to zip in and out of traffic with ease at high speeds. Yes, I realize that high speeds make cars more unstable. I’m not looking for a miracle cure, just some tips to help as much as possible. I also understand that all cars and tracks are different, and should be tuned accordingly. That being said, are there some general guidelines that I should start with? For example, front vs rear ride height, front vs rear sway bars, spring stiffness, diff settings, etc. I understand what these things do by reading the descriptions, but I’m not really a car guy so I don’t have much experience with making everything work together. I thought about taking the default tuning from a car that I already really like the feel of and trying it as a baseline with other cars, but my thought is that it won’t work because there are just too many variables (car class, center of gravity, wheelbase, weight, HP, etc.). Anyway, any help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

PS- I searched for tuning tips and grip tuning tips but the only threads I found were quickly derailed and off topic. Either that, or from older forza games, and I’m not sure that the same settings apply.

The links in the first post of this thread (from Horizon 2) helped me a lot.

Be advised Horizon 3 builds are different due to changes in PI but the basics of tuning are the same.

Thanks, I have only just browsed the thread so far, but it looks like I will find some useful information in there. Earlier this evening I had a moment where everything just clicked in regards to upgrades and I developed a formula that works really well for me. Now it’s on to tuning, then maybe I can actually start to drive the things. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: