How to tune? Race/grip

I am wondering if there are any general guidelines regarding tunes for grip and just general racing/cruising.

Getting tired of having a bunch of unusable rwd cars when it comes to racing in the game. They are a blast when it comes to cruising doe.

Used to play FM4 but all i did was drag tunes…

See the Tuner’s Garage forum:

While that’s being populated by new threads you could also take a look at the FH2 Tuner’s Lounge for tips.

This tuning guide from FM6 will give you a general sense of how the adjustable features affect performance:


Okay so I’m going to lay down some basic guidelines for tuning rwd cars…
What you want to have:

  1. Most if not all people know that the rally/offroad suspension has more turning angle than the other suspension upgrades… but for racing on the bumpy and ever changing Australian roads it is not the suspension you want to run… you want to always have race suspension for the higher horsepower/ higher class cars because of the stiffness of the race springs (stiffen your springs to around 150-200 lb/in from max; make sure the front is about 50-60 lb/in less than the rear) *use this stiffness idea for the anti roll bars
  2. Have a more speed oriented final gear and then tune the gears individually to your preference obviously.
  3. Depending on the car you are driving, you will usually want to have max downforce on the front and rear of the car… but heed my words… NOT ALL CARS NEED MAX DOWNFORCE… make sure you take note of where your engine is placed and the weight distribution to the front… you’ll need to watch your under 50% front distribution cars, sometimes full downforce at the front can hinder your turning performance (yes I know it sounds stupid but trust me I’ve learned the hard way)
  4. Know your car… know how it delivers power, know the tire size, know it’s limits, know it’s strengths ( for example: if you are good in the corners and you have someone pulling you back, block them and pull away in the corner)
  5. Power is NOT always your friend when it comes to faster laps, realize that some power parts add unnecessary weight and can throw your car out of balance for how you want to tune it…

If you need anything else just let me know…:wink:


For AWD centered tuning adjusted for the idiosyncrasies of this particular game, look here.