Ok, so its on one of the lousy Top Gear tracks, but I’ll gladly take it. I really don’t like any of the Top Gear tracks, but since I’m shooting for top 500 on every track, I am running them. I kind of go through the motions on those tracks and do just enough to get myself where I want to be, then move on. Well, I ran the track tonight (sorry, I can’t remember which one it is) and finished about #250. I noticed that a friend of mine was only .15 ahead of me though. So, I figured I’d run it again and chase his ghost. I beat him and ended up at #73. I know I can better that, but I hate those tracks so much that I don’t want to run it again
It took me a little under 2.5 months, but I can finally say that I have a top #100 time, even if it is on one of the girly tracks I did it with a really cool Mini in C class that I just put together. I shared it in the game if anyone wants it. For a Mini, its very fast (I actually got it to #320 on LaSarthe), but you kind of need to avoid first and second gear. Other than launch, I use 3rd and 4th only and it works really well. Its really good for all the Yas Marina tracks, Road America, and Spa too. I’m still wondering if there is something wrong with the Leaderboards on LaSarthe. #320 is #320, but its a Mini, its not supposed to be competitive at all there. I don’t think I slowed down for a single turn It won’t outrun a C class muscle car on a straight, but it sure will turn far better.
Come on guys, if a noob like me is getting in the top 100, all of you need to pick it up
change cars if thats the one you are useing for prague. for some reason prauge is the opposite of top gear. if i finish 1st on one track i finish last on the other with the same car and tune. without telemetry i’m not sure why. well i know they need different car attributes but i’m not sure what it is.
you are useing the same tune for road america as top gear? road america is more of a lemans tune. use your lemans tune on road america and it should shave a few seconds.
I used a Mugen to get a top 500 time on Prague. I am using the Mini as an all around car for now. I will use more track specific cars as I progress with things. I built the Mini I’m using to be a lobby car. Like I said, it got #320 (though its been knocked down to 332, I’m also sure better drivers could get it higher) on Le Mans LaSarthe, so its not your typical Mini. It wouldn’t work on Old Lemans because it lacks the top end speed. Its terrible at Prague for some reason too. I got top 500 times with it at Sebring Full, all 5 Yas Marina tracks, all 5 Road America tracks, Lemans Bugatti and LaSarthe, all of the Top Gear tracks, Spa, and a few others I can’t remember (I want to Say Silverstone, but that might have been the Mugen too). I’d say getting #73 on the Top Gear track and #320 on Le Mans Full makes it pretty versatile
Crazy mini. lol. Well done on the top 100. Now go get more! Hahaha.
If you need an Old LeMans car that doesn’t have stupid HP stats and is meant to be ran with no assists, I can post a 600+ hp Olds 442 if you want. It only goes 180mph I think, but should easily snag another top 500. It runs 1:11s around Road America East too.
Don’t know if you put up the LeMans tune yet or not. I downloaded the one you labeled speed tune though. It handled so well that I was able to run two clean laps with it at Lemans. I almost never run two clean laps there in any car unless I’m babying them a little and that wasn’t necessary with this. First lap was 4:35.2 and the second was 4:28.7. The second would have been good for #518 on the leaderboard. Maybe its capable of more, but that’s all I could get out of it. I will say I was very very impressed with the car though. It might just have replaced my Chevelle as my go to muscle car in C class. It topped out at 168MPH and still handled awesome. Would love to see the open source tune to have an idea how you got that boat to handle as well as you did. I plan on giving it a go on Bathurst later. I’m betting it does really well there. My Miura ran a 4:26.1, but I wouldn’t drive that on any other track.
This thing was nothing like that Buick on steroids you posted last week
lol yea that is not the one I was talking about. The one you picked up is meant for tracks like sebring, road america, bathurst and other tracks that require some speed. It is pretty versatile and I use it a bunch online. At bathurst I was running 2:23s in lobbies with it. I’m sure it will go quicker, but that track is hard to run with no mistakes!
I forgot to check the forums after I posted yesterday. I was busy studying for the CPA exam. I’ll post the other one up though. It has less handling but is no way near the craziness of that buick. lol. I didn’t know the other tune I had labeled as speed topped out at 168 though. Thanks for the info! haha.
Send me a friend request or follow or however that stuff works now after the update and we can race and talk about tuning and such. I’m usually on around 9-10 US-CST. I’m a bit of a night owl. lol. I got a date tonight so I doubt I’ll be on, but during the week I likely will be.
lol I’m sure that will go over really well with her.
Oh and Lou, the tune I just posted has 570Hp. I guess I took out some of the HP to make it more driveable. It is 40 or 50 more than the one you have which I guess is why it is only around the 180mph mark.
Ok, here’s what I don’t get with this game… Your Olds hit 173 as a top speed. It has 570HP and weighs a little over 3,000 lbs. My favorite car ever is a '79 Z28 and I keep trying to build a good one in the game. Well, I just threw one together real quick. Its has almost 100HP less than your Olds and weighs over 500 lbs more. Yet it goes 10MPH faster and it beat your Olds with ease on Old Lemans. I drove it terribly and still bettered my time by almost two seconds. If I can dial the alignment/springs/arbs in, I might get this car under 4:20. The numbers just don’t add up though, there is no way my Z should have been able to beat your Olds. Can anyone explain that to me? I notice that Chevys, as a rule, seem to all be faster than other similar GM cars in this game. The only exception is the Buick because Chevy doesn’t have a comparable car in the game. Maybe its just me, I am confused though…
Swerve, Johnson, or anyone else reading this thread that is good with muscle cars, download my Z and tell me what you think of it.
Obviously not. I just ran a 4:19 with it and there is easily another 3 or 4 seconds to be picked up by driving better. I’m at #201 and I’m pretty lousy with muscle cars.
So basically, just throw a bunch of crap against the wall and see what sticks, huh?
Hi Lou, Ive been reading through your threads and am impressed by how quick you are improving. I decided to run against your Old Le mans time in the 79’ Z28, and was able to hit a 4:18.681 from a standing start, which put me only 4 places behind you on the LB at a 176. There are two things I noticed though while running against your ghost, and watching the replay to go with your lap:
1, Your braking is very inconsistent around the track, you are braking too hard and too late (in my opinion) when exiting the fast straights. This is causing you to enter the corner at a fast speed, but is messing up your line through the corners, along with your corner exit. I would highly suggest braking earlier and softer, and keep your cars balance in check. On the sweepers you are also going too wide, you are running the outside line of a few of those sweepers, and is also messing up your exiting speeds.
2, You are very conservative with the throttle! From my perspective from racing your ghost, and from watching the replay of you LB time, you appear to really be babying the throttle. I think it is all coming down to point 1 though, as your exit the corners too sharply to really use the throttle effectively.
I know I could pick up a 4:14.xxx very easily in 2 laps of old la mans in this car, and I have a feeling someone faster than me could easily get an extra 2+ seconds on top of that. Your clearly running more power in your tune than me, as your car was gaining on me on the long straight on lap 2. The 79’ Z28 is clearly a very competent car on this track, and you should be very happy with the times you are getting after only a few months of playing forza. In another few months, you might be breaking the top 50 with the way you are going!
What you described about my ghost is confusion. I just never know exactly what to do with the car, that’s why I’m so inconsistent. I’ve ruined so many laps that were pretty darn good by making that stupid mistake. So, it causes me to be tentative and very unsure. Especially on a track as long as LeMans. If I look like I’m being conservative with the throttle at certain points, its because I messed that area up ten times in a row before the replay you get to see The replay that is attached to my current time was the end of a 20 lap session where I either had a dirty lap or was too slow because of mistakes on the 19 laps prior. So frustration is also what you’re seeing in that replay. I know I can do much better, but I was just so happy to finally better my time and move on. I’ll be back to it though. I’m getting the times I am because the car is so fast. It covers up for a lot of my mistakes. I’ve run 4:15 on dirty laps with it, so I’m sure you could get at least a 4:14. I have a feeling Swerve is going to run around a 4:10. I might be running more power, but I’m also running without aero. That’s why I think I was gaining on you. Taking the aero off really increased the speed. That’s a double edge sword obviously as it makes the car harder for me to control too. You should download my tune and run a couple of laps with it.
What’s this talk about top 50 in a few months? By Wednesday brother Just kidding…
Seriously, I will apply your advice and see where it gets me. Thanks.
Lol I’m not that good dude. LeMans is one of my weaker tracks. I usually quit once I get a clean lap so don’t feel bad. You’re not the first and definitely won’t be the last to get frustrated about running clean laps there. That’s a big reason why there are big gaps in lap times. You’ll see the same thing at the Ring whenever we get that track. Hats off for trying to tackle one of the hardest tracks first.
Not that good? Are you kidding me? I thought I was getting good. Now that I’ve added you, everytime I look at my rivals list I get a dose of reality on how much I need to learn. Your times are all way better than mine. Even my very best ones. I’ve got some top notch drivers on that list and your name is still at the top on most boards. Don’t undersell yourself dude.
lol thanks. I compare myself to my teammates and they are so much better. I put a lot of miles on those times with exception to a few. It’s not like I’m running 4 laps and quitting. It’s 10-35 usually and a few were done with several cars to finally get a lap. If you see me online my inconsistent what the hell was he thinking (usually I’m not) driving. Mr. Totlxtc knows this well. Lol.
Certain cars/types have certain build patterns which you generally will try to stick to as a base and work from there.
SHALB has no bearing on car performance in the game. Its a good “rough” indicator of baseline performance but you dont really know until you run the car on whatever track.
Never settle on the first build unless you nail it first go, which you wont know anyway unless you rebuild/rebuild/rebuild.
Well the Olds isn’t meant for the track. Just figured I’d through it out there after winning a few races on the track with it. Assuming no HP added, I would have to drop the front and rear aero more (that’s why it bogs out) and change up the gearing. Both the 570 and 520 (or whatever it is lol) are meant for acceleration with the 520 relying more on handling to make up for lost speed/acceleration.
I’ll try it out. Is that one of the cars that were in a car pack? I can’t remember.
Dunno about the whole Chevy thing being best GM product. I’ve seen some really fast pontiacs.
Oh and just keep practicing with muscle. It takes a bit to understand how to drive them. There aren’t many people who can start playing the game and be quick in them. The best advice I can give is slow in and kinda fast out. The goal is to have a corner exit where you can hopefully put the full power down. Sharp aggressive cornering usually ends up in the rear kicking out on most corners. I mess up all the time in these cars and I’ve seen many fast guys and gals do the same. It’s hard sometimes to remember not to overdrive these things.
I was really hoping to get you to try it out. I’ve got it up to #172 (4:18), but I saw the time you set in your Cougar and know you can get way more out of this thing. It was in one of the DLCs, can’t remember which. Hopefully you have it.
I’ve got a Chevelle, all the Camaros, 2 Trans Ams, a GTO, the Buick, and a 442 (what can I say, I’ve always been a huge fan of GM, if the game had a Chevette, I’d own that too). The Camaros and Chevelle are all much much faster. Even that Buick gets out matched by the Camaros and Chevelles on most tracks (Silverstone being the one major exception). Maybe I just don’t have the right tunes for the Pontiacs and the Olds though… I left the Corvettes out of the equation because they are pretty much a different kind of car all together. This game needs a FWD Cadillac with a 501 under the hood that will smoke them all
As to the muscle cars, you described exactly what I’m doing wrong with them, overdriving them. For me, its not hard to remember, its hard to know just how much, or how little to push them. If I baby them, well then my lap is terrible. If I really push them, that back end is sure to go out at some point. I’m good for a major slide about 2 times on every lap, usually at the worst possible times too. Like when I’m on pace for a PB and the car slides out on the last turn of a 4+ minute lap and dirties the lap and makes me run it again and again and again
Edit: Forgot the 66 Nova, The 69 Nova and the Impala. I have them all too. If its got a bow tie, I have it
Congratulations on the Top 100 Lou! I’ve been looking through your threads lately and it is always great to see a fellow Forza fan determined to move up on the LBs, and then actually do it! Quickly too!