My Forza Horizon 5 event lab custom blueprint track building guide
Start small, some of my favorite tracks started out as me just wanting to jump over something and making a simple ramp and then evolved as I found time to keep working on them and adding to the route.
Decide location and whether you want a circuit blueprint (laps) or a sprint ( from a-b), select (create a route) or create a rough draft blueprint without any details such as title/description/weather/drift rules etc. I avoid saving/editing any blueprints till I’m close to finishing the route because things change, I only save the route with props.
Start scouting the route with blueprint editor drone
If creating a circuit, do not return back to the starting line until you have all desired props placed or else the system will think you’re done editing the route and exit you to an options window. Only return to start line if you’re ready for a save or you’re ready to finish the driving line. Until then I generally just select (place finish line) where ever I am so I can do a save.
If creating a sprint, just go to start menu and select place the finish line when you’re ready
Start driving route maybe leaving some temporary route markers like a trailblazer flag or if it’s huge map I’ll use (easy to find) big hot air balloons at major junctions.
Once I know the route, then I start placing the primary props while simultaneously removing the temporary route markers.
Rough prop order -
1st - anything the tires will touch like jumps, ramps, functional structures etc.
2nd - walls/fencing/guards. Place walls/barriers in front of most track fixtures close to the route. Example - steps in front of buildings in Guanajuato
3rd - decorations like spectator seating, non functional structures, smashables.
4th - directional signage, lots of signs so people always know where to go.
5th - lighting because most tracks I create have a night version.
Snap some (sneak peek) pics and clips and promote on socials.
Once I feel all props are placed, I start the track testing process at full speed several times with different cars and make any prop/route changes that need to be made. Remove/reorder anything on track or walls that can bring a driver to a dead stop like invisible edges on poorly placed walls/fencing.
When I feel fairly content with everything I fly the route with drone to make sure there are no prop scraps or route errors I can spot as well as look for spots that could use more props/signs/lighting.
Once I’m fully sure all props are set where I want them I then slowly (accept big jumps) & carefully do a very clean drive line with no weird lines and add my checkpoints then test drive & then I create an actual blueprint with all details like title/description/weather/drift rules, ai etc. Then I publish the blueprint and don’t promote it (as finished) until I run the track several times to make sure I’m fully happy with it and there are no problems. If possible, I run it with a friend and make sure they can see the props loaded I’ve used, if they see zero props, I’ll wait a few hours or a day then try again until 100% sure all is good. Then I promote it by recording clips and pics & sharing on socials.
Warnings - I believe adding props while you’re drawing your drive line equals issues, especially if you’re editing props in sections which you’ve already drawn the drive line.
Save your files often by adding (place finish line anywhere) or else risk losing hours of work. I do not recommend overwriting the saved files too much incase the file gets corrupted somehow (rare) but possible, especially if there are many hours invested. Create a new save file often.
Preventative measures - I don’t suggest using the (create new route from here) option. I always draw a brand new route from the very beginning when I’m ready to publish. Sometimes the car will be facing in a weird direction after selecting redraw route so I will select (create new route) and make 100% sure my car is perfectly straight at the start line. I believe that mentioned issue creates a missed checkpoint error when completing a lap in a circuit blueprint.
I do not recommend adding unnecessary checkpoints, more check points = more problems. There are other ways to guide players vs adding a checkpoint at every turn. If your route ever crosses itself, be very careful of creating checkpoint errors in those areas, never publish a blueprint with a checkpoint error. Delete the problem like it’s a virus and replace it with some walls/fencing and or a lot of signs if possible.
Troubleshooting -
Corrupt file not loading - reboot everything, create a new blueprint and select corrupt file to edit that saved route.
If in Hot Wheels, go to a different build stub and create a new blueprint and select corrupt file to edit that saved route.
Props not loading for other players - Give it time, hrs/day & try again with a friend.
100% props threshold - Avoid using tons of different props, choose props that you can reuse in many places and you will be able to use way more props without hitting 100% get your route in order 1st before adding too many decorations. I don’t recommend getting too close to 100%, the more props you have the more risk you run of the track not loading for people on older systems and the more loading time it takes to start the track.
Props won’t delete - This has happened to me a couple times and after a few exits/saves relaunches, I find it gone.
Blueprint convoy countdown issue - I’ve come across a 30 second countdown timer that kicks all players in convoy out the blueprint when trying to do a freeroam style or car meet type of blueprint, you may run into issues where the system treats your convoy as inactive or like someone crossed the finish line and then you’ll all get a countdown and get booted out. The work around I found for this was to draw the drive line with several laps around the perimeter of the track without crossing paths which I seems to trick the system somehow into not giving the countdown to the convoy. See V5 Clover Raceway Open Drift & Jump (w/Chaos Box - Day) 691 538 591 to better understand what I mean.
Opinions - All blueprint car restrictions suck so I try my hardest to make all my blueprints (Anything Goes) & when I promote my blueprints I suggest vehicles and engine sizes at that time as well as in the track description. If you make a nice track, people will be willing to jump out and select the a better car for the track if they picked the wrong one but if you force them to use what you think they should use it could be a big turn off.
Remember the average Forza Horizon players are not pros so making a route overly hard to stay on may limit your plays & create an annoying player experience so try to be a bit noob friendly on some of the tracks you create by loosening up your checkpoints a bit where possible or consider adding barriers where a newer player might fall off a cliff. Directional signs are important as well. people don’t like looking at the tiny minimap in the corner so help them out by adding easy to see warning signs of big corners or route direction changes.
Options are good, people like options so creating different versions of your blueprint is a good idea. Examples - V2 night race, V3 Snow, V4 drift rules & scoreboard.
Promotion is important, simply relying on people to stumble upon your custom blueprint is not good enough imo. Take the time to create some nice pics and clips and share them with share codes and track info often. When someone shares a few words about their new custom blueprint with zero pics or info about the track I immediately imagine a very random route through a forest with no props or signs to direct me so I rarely ever go explore those. Paint a picture for potential players with some nice info and pics
Ask anything anytime, I’m happy to help. More creators = more fun!