Music to my Ears - Playing Music with Horns?


Outside of Forza, I really like to play musical instruments in my free time. I have had a concept to play music in a convoy with Horns before, but the delay was anywhere from half a second to a full second during the release of Forza Horizon 5. Which may not seem like a big difference, but when everyone has different delays trying to coordinate different music is quite difficult. As of lately though testing with a friend the delay seems to have shrunk and they are quite similar. So figured I would finally write up this post I had have saved for quite some time now.


I remember the day I was thinking about this concept; I was looking through my older sheet music I played when I was younger. Music teachers where I am from to get you introduced to music started with boomwhackers and basic music theory to recorder karate (If you can play a song correctly you get a “belt” (Yarn) tied to your recorder… with the overall goal of reaching the black belt), then finally onto concert band. Then it clicked to me that Boomwhackers you only played one note just like the horns, and you played it as a group. Boomwhackers are a plastic tube that has been perfectly cut and sized so they are tuned properly. To make specific notes upon impact. Heres a video showcasing an example: . With a full convoy of 12 imagine the possibilites you can create musically.

Another idea since the delay between users may be a bit much. You could have predetermined music written up. Meaning that the music has already been prepped and will play on its own. Sort of like how minecraft users make music with noteblocks and redstone with a click of a button. (An example: ) They have to individually make each note and send a signal through a button for the music to play. In Forza we don’t really have redstone… but recording each note and with some video editing magic you could play songs solo, but the goal of playing in front of other players wouldnt really work. Imagine the expression of a 12 player lobby playing music with horns and a random player driving by hears this. Could be quite the site to behold.


That being said it may seem that Forza has only gave us a scale of Do (Low) - Do (High), but I believe that there is even more possibilities here. Some of the musical horns have higher and lower notes in the start of them. Of course you wouldnt want the entire thing playing, but if you are needing something short like a 8th note or a 16th note with a higher octave note or lower octave note. You can do that. As well as the editing mentioned earlier, if you are doing this solo you could clip the musical horn and extend the length of a specific key used in the musical horns.

If your new to music and wanting to learn/was inspired by this post. Below is a bit of basic music introduction to get you going
Do-Do Scale (C to C)

In order to read these notes there is a trick I was taught when I was younger. Face rhymes with Space so F A C E are in the spaces. Then on the lines E G B D F; you can remember this with the saying every good boy does fine. The notes then repeat themself so after F on the scale in the top in the image below there would be a G and below the E at the bottom of the scale in the image below there would be a D.

An example expressing note rhythms:
If you already know some basic music theory and found this to be a bit annoying my apologies. Intention here is to inform of some basic music stuff in case someone saw this post and wanted to try to write some music

Notes Given

So we already know that we have Do-Do so we have a C to C range given to us but we also have musical notes that could be used for higher notes and lower notes not on this scale if used for quicker notes. Will include as many as I can below when I get a chance.

Thanks for reading and have fun!

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