I do realize there is a simple solution - turn the music off.
But… am I the only one to wish there was some actual music to the game, not that overly-dramatic… stuff…?
I am starting to get really annoyed by the menu and jingles at the end of races as well.
Now, I do realize that I could just turn it all off. But I play late at night and I use headphones to not bug those around me. So just playing some of my own music is not an option.
I just recently got an Xbox One, so i am not sure if there is a way to play music on it and stream it to headphones while playing the game. That would go a long way…
But, more then anything, I just need to vent. I do realize that all music taste is subjective. But… hey… does ANYONE actually like what they did here? The first time I heard the in-race music I couldn’t believe my ears… that someone actually thought this was a good idea…
Love the game otherwise. More tracks and less money would be great, but oh well. If only there was music.
+2 Yeah music in this Forza 5 Sucks pretty dam bad LOL, FM2 & FM3 where pretty decent But Ive gotten used to the Music in FM5, just waiting on the X1 update in march we may finally storage management. As for the music…well we have to live with it.
personally i never have music on in any forza games (other than when painting). i prefer to listen to the car makes me much quicker when i can here the engine for gear changes and tire squeal in the corners.
Do you have Astros by any chance mate? If not, get a pair if you can.
That’s what I use; I have my Astro A40’s plugged into the Mixamp and then I plug my iPhone into the mixamp too (as I agree, the music is particularly bland/boring in this game). That way I can listen to my music and hear the game at the same time; plus you can adjust the music vs game volume using the special dial on the mixamp (i.e. you can get the perfect mix of game sound with music in the background). You can then also have Kinect as a mic should you need to use it.
U.Juggler - thanks so much for this tid bit of into! I hope it works as well as you describe. For me, the sound of engine/car coming from game speakers and music coming from another set of speakers never sounds “right”. Not to mention, setting up 2 fairly decent audio systems with some firm of bass subwoofer… Ugh! I especially like my game sound bass heavy for that engine/exhaust vibration (feeling it in my feet and chair LOL ). Although F5’s 3D audio is phenomenal, it seems to lack that ooompfh that F4 had, but it’s still great.
So with the Astro mixer, I can run my MP3 player, with EQ set for my music taste into the mixer, and use the adjust knob to balance MP3 volume against XB1 output? Since I have 2 sets of very good headphones, do you think or know if it will work without using an Astro headset? I rarely have any form of chat on, don’t need a mic as I mostly play career/rivals.
Thanks for your suggestion and any input .
" Not thrilled with spending $129 for the mixer BUT considering the money/time invested so far in XB1 and F5, it’s not a deal breaker"
I agree the music in FM5 isn’t ideal, but it could have been worse. I tried disabling the music and after a while the silence in the menus just got boring. I really wish Xbox Music can run in the background, I mean that’s the whole point of having separate operating systems to begin with. Snapping takes away from the gaming experience, at least on my television … It shrinks the game too much.
Hopefully Microsoft will release an update to allow music to be played in the background.
I like to imagine a dramatic emotional montage when I hear the music. Sometimes I picture a funeral scene, sometimes an old lady staring out to sea from the beach. Stuff like that. Racing cars have never come to mind while hearing that music though.
I personally like the music in FM5. On the other hand, I understand where you’re coming from, especially in terms in being quiet, gaming at night. Some people don’t like the snap feature, but I snap an album on YouTube at times.
Snap - I tried, but… couldn’t figure out how to have the music play without losing a portion of the screen… like have it in the background. Maybe it’s just that I haven’t figure out the Xbox One yet.
UnrealJuggler - thanks for the advice, if that works, I owe you big time. Actually, I have the Astro’s A50s. They are also new (just destroyed my Tritton’s… long story…), so I didn’t realize I could do what you suggest. But if I can plug in my iphone into the mixer and have it play into the headphones while getting game audio as well… that would just fix my biggest complaint with the game.
But… the A50s didn’t come with a MixAmp. Have to buy that separately? Or is that WiFi transmitter a substitute for the mixamp? I guess I need to do some research there.
My current setup is kind of what you suggest. I use Kinect for the mic and the Astro’s for game sound.
Can’t wait to get home from work now. So I can see if I can get that to work.
Yes, taste is subjective. This sort of instrumental music is neutral, but it also adds mood. If you had a serious movie about the life of a race driver, it would have music more like this and not gangster rap, hip-hop, death metal, or country. This game is about serious motorsport, not you cruisin’ the block in your lowrider with your bass rattling the windows of an old lady’s kitchen. I sure don’t want dubstep, some “cowboy” who never saw a cow in person limp-wristedly strumming a twangy guitar crying about his wife’s affair with his brother, or emo junk. Nobody here can put together a soundtrack that appeals to everybody, and the instrumental score of FM5 manages to add atmosphere.
I did turn it off in races on day one, though; not because I disliked it but because I couldn’t turn it down to better hear tire squeel and engine revs. I never look at the tachometer but instead listen to the RPMs.