Ivr been attempting to to tune an a class mr2 for about a week now. I have full race everything, the widest tires and forza body parts for downforce. I have got the car tuned pretty well so far, grips well, solid acceleration. But when i have to brake and turn at the same time(i try to avoid this ,but for example the first turn on the top gear track) there is massive oversteer. I have the rear downforce all the way up, the front is at default. -.7 front camber and -.5 rear. The tire temps hold a steady 232 temp. -.2 toe in front and back. 5 degree caster. 27.5 front roll bar, 23.3 rear roll bar. 692 front spring rate, 608 rear. Rebound: 8.3 front, 7.8 rear. Bump: 7.5 front, 6.6 rear. 55% brake balance up front, any more and the front end gets unstable, 80% pressure. 60% accel on diff and 50% decel. I have tried other settings but that one seems to work best. I just really want this car to handle properly when braking. It grips so well and accelerates so well it would be a weapon, but i cant get the rear end to settle.
If your brake bias says 55%, that means 55% of the force is going to the rear. PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE SLIDER, it is confusing. The % number always represents the rear force. So to get a front bias (more stable), try 48% to 45% or less.
Yes…what gtFOOTw said. It’s probably your brake bias. Try something around 48. You differential decel could also be contributing, try some thing less than 20. A couple other thing that could improve your car:
more negative camber (-2.0 - -3.5…somewhere in there.
Much lower bump > than 3.
There is an error in the game code for brake bias. The in game description of the settings are correct but the end results are actually reversed. AS the posts above stated - just set the slider in the opposite direction of what it should be.