I have problems with a few cars really kicking out at the back end under braking/change down. I’ve reduced the decel diff to nothing and I’ve moved the braking balance as much as I want to, but still they kick out. I’m being as careful as I can with changing down, waiting until the revs are very low.
Can someone give me any more tips on how to reduce this?
Have you tried reading the tuning tips stickied at the top of the forum. In future please try to stick to your open thread rather than starting a new one for every question.
Sorry Wind, I thought it would be better to put different questions on different threads. I have read through the guide which has helped with a great many things, but I have problems with a small number of cars. I’ll go through it again to make sure I haven’t missed an important bit.
If the car is a mid engine or rear engine this could be part of your issue. The game is very sensitive to braking while not in a straight line. I would try to adjust the driving technique a little bit, brake a little sooner, downshift a little slower etc. May make for smoother driving, and as we all know, smooth is fast.
Did you know that there’s an anomaly in FM5 with brake balance?
eg. 48% Front really means 52% front / 48% rear.
If you are having braking issues and kept on moving the brake balance forward, i.e. high front%, what you have done is made the condition worse by moving the brake balance to the rear, leading to more instability during braking. Get the car moving 100mph+ then squeeze on the brakes until the wheels lock up. If you see the rear locking up first (lower right corner), then you have just confirmed this fact.
Try 45% on the brake balance set-up screen then try braking hard from high speed (progressively hard braking, not a jab). Adjust the balance until front tires lock up before the rear. You’ll also be able to tell by dramatic reduction in braking distance.
Slipry. Raising rear Decel will help your problem. The description is ass backwards in the game. Raising rear decel will DECREASE your off throttle oversteer.
Also the brake statement made before is true. Moving the slider left will move more braking force to the rear.
100% true. I usually run my brake balance at 55% and my pressure at 140%. Some cars i actually have around a 70% on my brake balance though.
By raising you rear Decel like just stated that will help you with less corner entry oversteer but will also give you a bit of understeer mid corner. Finding that sweet spot can be tricky. If you are running a mid or rear engine car i would crank up your decel to around 50% and see if that is starting to help. Front engine cars i usually run between a 5% and a 25% decel for a couple of examples. Hope we all could help you out.