While catching a few minutes of Brian Ekberg’s Friday afternoon attempt at the 2.4 Hours of Nurburgring on Twitch TV, there was a question in chat regarding the possibility of more Forza Motorsport 5 endurances races. Fred Howell (phREDESIGN) kindly responded that a schedule was in the works to hopefully bring more of these events on a monthly basis.
For those of us who enjoy the grueling nature of virtual endurance racing, this is great news! So, out of curiosity, what event - using tracks already featured in the game - would you like to see featured next?
My hope: 2.4 Hours of Laguna Seca with simulated damage.
Okay; perhaps I should have prefaced: what events using tracks already available in the game would you like to see? Otherwise, the track wish list is here.
I wouldn’t mind seeing them change it up a bit and have endurance races with random classes/tracks like A class on Road America or something like that. Although I know they try to implement events that have real world counterparts, seeing random classes/tracks could be fun. In my opinion anyways. Nobody has to agree with me of course.
Bathurst the weekend of the 1000 was the obvious one to me as well. I’m holding out on the achievement for driving the XBOX Holden in hopes of this endurance race happening to help me get it.
I was in the stream also, and I might have been the person who asked the question (or one similar). I asked if we could see any endurance lobbies for road vehicles, and the response was that there would be one in August. So I guess we know some details of at least one of the upcoming enduros, but I definitely hope there are more.
Maybe they’ll do something with Spa-apparently a free Infiniti car pack is coming out in August with the regular Q50 and Eau Rouge (love that name) which is the name of Spa’s famous corner.
I would like to have a chance to do the ones I missed, I would also like to see more of the endurance races in general. If I had to pick one it Would Be Road America alternate layout.