Hey guys !!!
I’ve been playing Forza Motorsport since FM 2 and this latest Forza is the worst in some aspects related to racing for me…
Penalties: which in my opinion should only exist when the player takes advantage of lap time… Regarding crashes, I think there should be damage, in FM 2 it was played with simulated damage and the races had fewer crashes…
Tires: When Forza was announced, there was a lot of talk about simulating tires, contact points, etc. For me, the tires are the worst thing about this Forza Motorsport, because if you do a 10-lap race with the car’s tank full of fuel for 10 laps and with tires that can run for 5 laps, logically you would have less or equal wear in the second part of the race, in this case after the fifth lap, because the track has more rubber and the car is lighter… but in Forza it’s completely the opposite, you will always have bad tires on the last lap, this It makes you fight with the car and not with your opponent. Another point that makes no sense is that many cars that use sports tires can have the same performance as a racing tire and much less wear, yet another thing that compromises racing strategy… It makes no sense for sports tires to perform better than a tire made for racing…
*Races: I think that in longer races they would have to introduce rules such as mandatory pit stops because of what I said about Forza tire wear, Forza tires do not wear properly. Do a full race driving the car at 80 km/h and do the same driving at your maximum, you will see that there is practically no difference in terms of wear, if there is, it is a maximum of two curves.
- Weather: In Forza, there are no races with different weather conditions in online races, which is regrettable…
Only if we create the race and even then there is nothing that shows us a forecast regarding the weather. We have a narrator who tells us obvious things in the game, such as the last lap, penalties that are not even necessary in the numbers, but is not capable of warning about the change in the weather!!! It is regrettable to think that they promised many changes regarding the weather before launching the game!!!
Well, there would be more things to say, but for me these are the main ones for the game experience, based on the game we have today!!!
Hugs to everyone!!!