Make every car available in the autoshow

Aventador SV is the only car i want and you’ve stuck it in a wheelspin, after 173 levels i still haven’t got it because the chance of getting it is so low. It doesn’t help when you’ve dumped a bunch of useless filler into the wheelspin system, i’m sick of getting useless clothing, emotes and horns. Move the car to the autoshow or stick it in a Lamborghini skill tree as a reward, it’s ridiculous that i’ve paid £60 for the damn game only to have a next to zero chance of getting the car i actually want.


only 173 levels lol

once you have all the emotes and clothes they no longer appear, but since you are only level 173 you probably have a while to go


This week’s “Cheeky Lambos” trial should have had it as reward instead of the useless basic Aventador.
It’s such a great car at S1 and a real shame that it’s so rare.

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This is a tough one. There is advantage and interest to be had in rate or limited cars. The 750 Aventador is one I want but havent gotten, and at same time gotten ones just as rare others want (alas apparently is a duplication glitch?).

What I want to get at is there always needs to be something special, not able to just be gotten whenever. Tip to help and most people neglect, super wheelspins. Each roller on a super has a higher rarity level than standard wheelspins.

They do show up in the Auction House. I’ve personally gotten 2 in wheel spins and put the second one in the AH; not because I needed the credits, but to get more out there for people that are looking. I’m sure I’m not the only one.

Yeah, if you had about, 5 million SVs, thank you.
Otherwise, go on strike and stay in FH3 until they make it easier to get the SV in FH4.
This literally is like FH3 Sesto Elemento all over.

I would not be surprised at all if it’s in the Forzathon shop in the very near future. If you’re looking for these rare cars, you should always keep some forzathon points on hand.

I do understand people wanting specific cars when they want to get them. I’d prefer if all the cars were either buyable or earnable on our own schedules. But if you haven’t prestiged yet and are still seeing clothing and emotes in wheelspins, you haven’t gotten very far in the game. I’ve played a lot, and individual results may vary … I have 6 Aventador SVs, all from wheelspins.

I’ve prestiged before, got to prestige 1 level 143 and i didn’t get it then either. The only reason i’ve had to start again is because the stupid save got corrupted.

Having to start over sucks, sorry to hear that. The avatar stuff is annoying at the beginning, but once you get one of each of those wheelspin only avatar items, they completely stop showing up. You can get “duplicates” until then, though. And good prizes are still rare.

If you want, you can message me in game and try to coordinate an auction house deal for an Aventador SV for minimum buyout. It might not work with all the snipers in the AH, but I’d be down to put one out there.

I would like to see all ‘released’ cars including ‘pre-order’ bonus ones made available in the Autoshow … this is the only way to stop the Auction-House Pirates controlling the game for their own financial gain… in game and in real life.

All cars should be made available to all players, it is only fair. Ok, there may need to be some ‘qualifying factor’ to get some or just a huge autoshow price tag; but Playground Games need to do something to starve the Pirates … they have been made aware that transactions worth many-thousands [insert your local currency here] are taking place outside of the game. They have a moral and legal responsibility to consider and by putting all cars into the autoshow they could effectively kill 2 birds with 1 stone

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There’s one in auction now for 20 Million if you want it.

No car is worth 20 million credits, it’s a car not a damn space shuttle.

Nope they arent but if you want it so bad you would pay it
They are only pretend credits after all

I personally wouldn’t…I’m not that desperate for it

The car is only worth 400,000cr, in FH3 it didn’t cost much and it certainly isn’t worth 20,000,000cr. Players who charge absurd amounts on the auction house are just greedy.

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Its worth whatever somebody is willing to pay for it. People will pay a mil real world for a car that has nothing going for it other than rarity so why is game creds any different. Ever see what people will pay for some minor piece of equipment in other game auction houses?

Forza really needs limited accessibility cars. A mix of novelty ones and performance ones are the best way. So why is it so bad that there is wheelspin only. What play value is there if you can buy it all cheap. Having those noticably harder to find or never seen cars gives it merit. So collectible and usable gives it value outside of just a race. Else it is just eh novelty.

I was going to pay 20 Million for the Honda Civic 18 last week, but I found it for 65,000.

If thats how you want it, then all exclusive cars should be as well…but then no…because if they were, they wouldn’t be exclusive now would they? Stop crying and play the game, it will show up in a wheel spin in time.


Yup. Its not called grinding because its fun or easy… easiest way to grind is to take a BMW M6 FE to the aerodrome drag strip drift back and forth up and down the track a couple times, bank 10 skill points/min (enter the drag event then immediately back out to instantly bank your skill chain, there are youtube videos that show you how to do this). Use those points to unlock every wheelspin in every car you own. Depending on the car it takes 2-10 skill points to get to the first wheelspin and if you get them all on average it ends up being about 5-10 skill points per wheelspin perk you unlock in a car. So you literally earn 1-2 wheelspins/minutes while unlocking new cars and credits in these wheelspins at the same time. I also used to unlock all the influence perks as well to level up faster and earn even more wheelspins. Tip: unlock the perks while you are in your garage so you don’t have to use the wheelspin instantly and build up a bank of spins so you can just run through them all at once. In addition, for every skill point you spend, you earn more influence, resulting in levelling up and more wheelspins. Invest some time and you’ll have CR and wheelspins and cars coming out of your ears. Stop looking for the easy road and handouts. Go earn what you want in life and horizon life. Your grind is no harder than any other persons grind.

Another tip: I never get into a car I win or earn until I am ready to unlock the skill perks in it for the wheelspins, so that it says “NEW” on the car in my garage and that way I know which cars I have not unlocked all the wheelspins from. Once I have unlocked the wheelspins I throw away all duplicate non-exclusive cars. Its not worth the wasted time posting it on the auction house, unless its like a 1,000,000+CR car and even then I just post it at the minimum so it sells fast.

I got the wheelspin exclusive cars Lambo SV, Camaro Z28, Hoonigan Napalm Nova, Gymkanna 10 Hoonicorn, Ford Crown Victoria Police, Porsche Cayenne Turbo & a few Forza Editions.

Wish I had the Hoonigan RS200, Hummer, Lotus 2 Eleven & Hoonigan Porsche though. Maybe one day.

The Gymkhana 10 Hoonicorn was a Forzathon exclusive, the RS200 was a seasonal reward, and the Hoonigan Porsche unlocked when you reached Round 17 in street scene