I am so sick of driving with people who take everyone out on turn one or on any turn. Whats the point? I don’t understand why I start every race dead last, but I’m sick of trying to pass 10 - 12 cars just to be at the front. All along the way I’m getting hit every other corner! Everyone makes mistakes but you can always tell when someone (^*%&) is going to run into everyone what bugs me the most is I usually have the fastest if not top 3 fastest lap times , but I’m racing 20 seconds behind because I’m getting taken out every other corner its stupid.
Make a VIP or Elite lobby where if your voted than your out of the lobby that way people will want to race clean. I bet half the 'Forza community would agree that they are sick of being top 1% but are racing at the back due to people wrecking everyone
There does need to be SOME sort of rating/sorting system. They should come up with a review system, so that after every race you can give a “thumbs up/down” to those you raced. So many thumbs down and you get “demoted” to not being able to race in the “top league”/“clean racing league”. If you then race clean for a long period and get enough “thumbs up” you can rank back up.
Or maybe just a simple way to vote a racer “dirty racer” after a race, and if they get too many in a period of time they get demoted to playing in the “dirty racers” races only.
Custom public lobies is The anwser… J miss that option so much from fm4… U can race any track u want, make restritions, create or join clean lobby… LOT of possibylities:)
I am always in the top 1000 most of the time if I can make a decent car (which is my downfall) I can get myself in the top 500 there are a few tracks i have made top 200/300 there is a barrier I am having a hard time getting past I really dont understand how the top 10 people for each track are 6 -10 seconds faster than me I am a racing fan i have played this game my whole life i know how to race but I dont know how anyone picks up 6-10 seconds per lap does the racing wheel make a difference due to less turn in than a joy stick or is it all tune set ups. I always just assume its tune set ups and if i had that setup I could make top 10
There are many people out there that share your view about public lobbies.
I suggest you start building your friends list. After a couple a weeks you should have found a decent number of racers who also want to race with players of a higher level of ability.
Then race in private lobbies.