Make burnouts more realistic

So, obviously in our real world, it’s pretty cool seeing burnouts and “donuts”, all that.
That… seems to be somewhat possible in the game, but doesn’t seem to be … “as realistic”, and the volumes of these burnouts in the game just don’t look any close to a real burnout. Maybe increase the lifespan of smoke? Perhaps increase the genuine smoke outcome?

More importantly, smoke just looks boring in the game, and honestly… I’m certain many can agree on that. I mean, it should be achievable… right?

If I would’ve worked on this, I’d have an optional setting for smoke “lifetime”, and a volume setting along with that, to fully simulate a smoke’s depth, see as the car fades away into a homemade cloud, slowly expanding as it continues. This would be SO EPIC!

Listing some example videos from the internet here:
Camaro SS Night Fury Cam Burnout roasting tires
Black CCR Camaro Burnout - 0:40
Burnouts from the 5th Annual Ronnie Sams Cruise Fest 2022! - 11:16

This right here, was a rushed feature, if it ever was a feature: They Added Standing Burnouts Into Forza Horizon 5!