Low Quality Livery

Hello everyone. Just picked up my copy of Horizon 4 and loving the game. But I have an issue I want to ask.

It seems that every livery I downloaded always appear in low quality. Blurry logo and jagged edges seem prominent.

For the information, I’ve set my graphics setting to low-medium values. What I wanted to ask is, which option in the graphics setting that correlates to the quality of liveries?

This is the exact same question I’ve got. I’m on Windows 10 here.

Had the same issue. I couldn’t find what caused the issue but I fixed it by changing the preset to high and then manually setting everything back like it was before.

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This has been an issue since at least Forza Horizon 3, possibly older, regardless of console or settings used.

Forza Motorsport titles render designs at larger resolutions.