Is it just me or is there an issue on FH4? the Number of players in the lobby’s is shockingly low. Most i’ve seen all night is 21, that over 2 hours ago. Now its between 6-11 players.
Is it affecting your ability to play the game? I mean if you try and join an online race it won’t only pick players from the particular lobby you’re in. I never pay any attention to the number of players in free roam as it’s irrelevant to me.
This topic comes up from time to time, and a few months ago someone here on the forums posted some interesting achievement stats for the multiplayer achievements. In this case it was focused on the online adventure, but there were only something like 14,000 players (out of the millions who have tried the game) who had even bothered to play one round.
From this achievement info and reading between the lines with how the playlist has been implemented and how the number of cars locked behind trials or playground games seems to be increasing, I get the feeling that yes, this game is having trouble getting players to play online.
I personally don’t enjoy playing games online in general, with Forza specifically it’s all the wasted time waiting for matchmaking, inability to pause and take care of RL, lag, generally bad drivers and often annoying voice chat. Locking cars behind these already annoying events just makes me despise them all the more given that if I get disconnected even once I have to start over from the beginning to get credit, and all the events they lock cars behind require your team to win, or in other words dumb luck for the most part.
The AI definitely has its problems and does occasionally cheat and break the laws of physics (especially on higher difficulties and cross country events), but honestly it’s not as bad as a lot of players make it out to be. At least they’re generally better behaved than RL players and won’t intentionally ram you off the track, plus you can use rewind if there’s any shady behavior.
Not to mention that you don’t have to deal with online matchmaking and connection issues when playing solo.
I allways laugh when i see somebody complaing AI unfair cornering speed even tho AI is worst in corners they can be fast when route is straight but in corners AI is in trouble it’s allways funny to run goliath and watch how AI screw up corners all the time.
Spot on. The AI are useless when cornering. If your good at it and, as you said, they have the advantage on straights, you can usually pick that time up pretty quick. Once you get past them though the advantage they had on straights seems to disappear…
Abaout 8,1 million score in first PR stunt and 1,3% of players is get league in ranked adventure and all of those players abaout 9% of players is complete trial at least once. And overall for most players this is short game as only 7% of players have reach level 200. So PG can bragging all day how many people have play FH4 even those most peoples give up with this game really early on.
This is because the easy AI have seen the unbeatable AI get away with it without being punished. Without punishment for bad behaviour there is no deterrent. I blame their parents.
Not sure how large of an impact this might have on the player base but, in the U.S., this is a pretty big holiday week which could reduce game play schedules.