Lobbies Less Populated

Is anyone noticing multiplayer lobbies are far less populated? Had one race today with no one else which I promptly exited from. Then another with just 2 other players.


Its built from the ground up and the player count is headed to ground level too. Great job t10


Thanks for sharing. That’s really inciteful. I knew this game was on a downward projectory after they stole our money and fled for the hills. But I didn’t realise just how dead this game has become.


I’m feeling a beta-tester since early access…


Well can’t say we didn’t see this coming lol. I’m cautiously optimistic about the update Tuesday but wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t work.

Turn10 has broke their own backs with this release, after 4 years of development I expected a heck of a game that could competently compete with their Xbox 360 greats. So freaking disappointed in how bad this turned out so far.

The game crashed on my Series S 3 times last night trying to make a free play event offline, I can only imagine the frustration of PC players who can’t even get to the main menu. SMH so much respect lost


Im not suprised, for every online race I do I get 3 crashes.(not to mention stutters and hitches) And for every collision that hits me I get a penalty.


ive been trying for the pass 12 players achievement and im having a hard time getting any lobbies over 12 people.


Put it this way, if we are generous and say 20 times more people play via Xbox infrastructure over Steam, that’s a concurrent player count of 12.5k players.

Given the fact that I kept matching with the same players on a Saturday night at peak NA time, I’d be willing to bet it’s less than 20x.

Then you have to factor in that less than 12% of players have completed a multiplayer event…


For anyone interested in the numbers found at TrueAchievements for the above multiplayer stat.

Only 5-6% have done more than 100 laps in multiplayer…

Given there’s barely any multiplayer events and that empty lobbies are becoming more common I would say the average player count is close to 0.

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Can’t speak for others but I’ve abandoned the game for the past 2 weeks. My club events were unplayable with all the crashes and soft locks and we moved back to Horizon.

Hopefully tomorrow’s update fixes things.


Isn’t it just a bizarre twist of fate that FM’s strongest offering (multiplayer) has such low uptake?

100 laps is about 20 short races. Only 6% have done 20 races in two months? That is really bad metrics.


even worse is only 2.2% of players have done the 300 laps achievement, which if you do any sort of practice laps you get about 30 laps done per race including the race itself


Using that philosophy, the 100 lap achievement metrics are even worse. I never even considered practice and quali.

Let’s say you do all 3 quali laps with only 5 laps in the practice session in a 5 lap race. That’s 8 races.


For what it’s worth, the game’s low-tide numbers continue to sink - 559 today. For comparison, ACC has similar numbers…but the high-tide numbers are consistently blowing this game out of the water, with 4500-5000 players daily at peak. And that’s the real story - the peak numbers for this game have been steadily dropping, at around 1500 players now.


Makes you wonder how many players can’t play due to how broken the game is vs how many won’t play due to how lackluster the game is.


Donald Glover Glad GIF - Donald Glover Glad GIFs
Turn10 doesn’t deserve us. I’ve been playing GT4 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: It’s more rewarding.


games pretty much not broken at all on console for online. I hadonly a small instance where online wouldnt work but got patched already. So its more the lack luster gameplay with almos0 content

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I’m on PC where it’s broken but if it wasn’t broken on console why are there so many reports by console players that the game is broken???

not saying its 100% perfect but it does work. most of those reports are game save issues with progress loss. My only gaem breaking issue was my fc rx7 crashes the game 100% of the time if i attempt to use it or even tune it.