Declining Online Play?

Anyone else notice a reduction in the number of players online in the hoppers? I’ve recently been alone in lobbies which is definitely new, at least for me, and trying some of the more esoteric lobbies is a guarantee of loneliness. Crashers to blame? I fired up Forza for the first time in a couple months recently, and was surprised to see online look like a ghost town. Too bad. Online is for me the meat of the game, the career stuff just a way to prep yourself.

How many people have you banned? Lol
I can live with crashers for the most part but I hate the teleporting cars.

I have a hefty block hammer and my games are becoming emptier but cleaner:)

Not having any issues finding games from any of the monthly lobbies to class lobbies, I don’t play the obscure ones very much but normally find a decent group in the drift lobbies when I do dabble :slight_smile:

Everyone probly had their xbox one a/c power supply die like mine did the other day. Heh.

I think its more likely that people are setting up private races and racing with their friends… which due to turn10 taking away user created lobbies, you can not join anymore… invite only!

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That and/or I wouldn’t be surprised if they, either t10 or Microsoft, are working on the backend/servers. But ya, sorting’s been odd. Sometimes a reboot will take me from only being offered 3-4 person lobbies to almost full ones. Of course thats purely anecdotal, but dunno…last week or two its gotten odd.

We’re always looking for people to race with. In fact we have a tournament starting this Thursday, and any “clean but fun” racers are more than welcome to join us. It starts at 9pm GMT (1pm PST, 4pm EST) Thursday 12th June, and will run weekly for 8-10 weeks (we haven’t decided yet). Check out my signature for details.

LBs on the new tracks have been taking longer to populate than they did when the game was new. That’s the only thing I’ve noticed. I don’t do MP.

Kind of figured it had something to do with recent game releases though. People taking breaks to play new games.

Ive started custom lobbies. Fed up of the griefers. Much better laugh. Full damage more laps. And ai on hardest difficulty to fill the gaps.

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The truth is that fewer and fewer people are participating. I attribute this to the fact that T10 stubbornly sticks to their guns in the sense that they don’t value fun above their perceived sense of simulated real racing… I love the game, but only when I play it as a game ie, no collision, rivalries, and private races. The “game” is simply too cruel for new players and for veterans racing for years, once the pecking order is established, what’s left? Give me the power and I’ll turn this franchise into the greatest experience in gaming! Since that isn’t going to happen, I guess I’ll just go and hamster around a few more laps today. It’s really not that much fun, but I’m still able to pretend.

In your opinion. The truth is, more and more people have used BLOCK on the bad behavior people who are being reported and banned either by Turn 10 or Xbox LIVE’s Policy Enforcement Team. Smaller participation races are a direct result of the increased reporting of crashers, and their appropriate reduction in ranking by Xbox LIVE.

Additionally, there are more and more organized races going on (see the RACERS LOUNGE) and a whole lot people have not moved to the Xbox One platform yet.

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That’s a good point, it didn’t occur to me that it’s not just the people I’ve reported getting blocked and depopulating lobbies, but the people everyone has blocked depopulating lobbies. Somewhere there’s a giant lobby full of drooling fools waiting to smash their SUV’s together. I hope they are having fun.

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Precisely… Or they’re finding the driving isn’t anything but a huge crash seen and people just like them are picking on them.

Haven’t been racing online lately so I wouldn’t know but will probably do start again shortly since they added a achievements for doing 50 online races at the ring.

I’ve never blocked anyone, so everybody can race with me. I’m just seeing fewer racers.

The only problem I have is staying in a full lobby when I do get online. Overall I’ve blocked enough to where I get put in fairly calm lobbies.

The problem I have is the lack of competition. Or when I do get competition, the lobby thins out quickly over 3 races because they can’t keep up. Wish more people would talk and ask about tunes. Guess its a bit weird though to ask for help in multiplayer considering what other multiplayer games are like

This right here is why I was pushing the idea of hoppers based on Rival times. While most people don’t need to win, getting mercy ruled every time isn’t too much fun. Being able to log into something competitive, regardless of your skill level, would make the game equally fun, for casual and hardcore, alike. It seems as if user created lobbies we’re left out to homogenize the community, instead it has resulted in even greater fragmentation, only this time, its invisible to the average person.

You realize setting a fastest lap is different than racing with traffic. If the top 100 drivers are matched upon your proposal, with different time zones and other factors they wouldn’t have many to race with. If people were able to learn and accept that racing certain types of cars on certain tracks is just a bad idea. If they are willing to understand that not running a 1.6 or 5.7 v8 unfortunately puts you at a disadvantage. If they would let faster traffic pass it would help.

Griefers aren’t that big of a problem, neither is matching up similar skill levels. The solution is people accepting that cars need to be built a certain way to compete. Like that fact or not, it’s reality. Once the newer players get familiar with building and tuning things should improve.

Yup, if there was a rating that rivals generated and then matchmaking did its best to even things out. I would rather be in a lobby with 3 or 4 peeps the same rival time rating as me rather than a full lobby of differing skill levels.

edit; Titanfall has a couple of hoppers that do this and it has improved the turkey shoot it was before (me being a turkey) to something that I now find fun.