So I originally posted this over on the Support boards but then thought it really isn’t a support issue yet. Has anyone else noticed that since the Oct 10 update they will join a Horizon Life lobby and it will start with usually around 35-40 players and then within about 15 minutes it will dwindle down to sometimes as low as less than 10 and never replenish itself with new players? It can really stink because if you only get say 1 in 10 players to do the #Forzathon Live events you only end up with 2 or worse sometimes yourself doing the #Forzathons alone. Is anyone else noticing this?
I’ve had the same issue since launch. Seems like the game should recognize this and merge servers or something. I’ve gotten in the habit of periodically pausing and checking the player count and just joining a new session anytime the number gets low since the lobby just continues to die off. Hopefully its a glitch and is addressed in an update.
Haven’t paid gonna of attention to how many are online, although I saw ‘7’ last night and 40+ this morning. Last night there was just me and two others doing a forzathon, we only managed to clear round 2. This morning with many more in the session, we had ~6 doing a forzathon live, still only managed to clear 2 events. It didn’t help that during the second event, drifting, the counter very rarely increased unless it was my score.
I noticed most drift too far off the track, so I’m sure it was a failed pass. Then others I saw in the pause menu…
They’ve always been this way for me, although they usually start near 20-30 when I’m first connected and go down. Rarely in the 40-50 range, and I’ve never seen the full 72 they were claiming the servers could handle.
But yeah, the number of players on any given server almost always goes down over time. Never seen it go up with any consistency. The other day there were just 3 of us left on one.
I’ve noticed that, and (on X1) joining a Live Session has become incredibly slow. Last night I logged in with about 10 minutes to go before the next Forzathon event, and it could not connect me into the live session before it started. :\
It’s an issue that’s been there since early access day, not yesterday’s update. And probably the main reason for that is because after doing a solo or a PvP event, it connects to a different session rather than the one from before. Thus the increasingly dwindling player count.
Couple that with the player statuses saying nothing else but “in Horizon Life/in car select,” and you know that something is not right. Especially when you see a rare player with a different status other than that.
I think their servers should try and keep themselves at around 50-60 and then have the other 12 for people who get invited in, which will keep server stability
Very displeased as of recently. I set up events in Horizon Life, usually circuits or scrambles around 5 laps, I get a person or two to join which is lousy, but my main issue is completing those 5 laps without being disconnected. I then have to take the time to find a new lobby, more people willing to race or figure out how to accept races then hope I can finish the race. My club members have been much less active since H4 release because it’s frustrating and I just really hope the Turn 10 team are devoting their time to fixing the game as a whole and not just punishing those for recent exploits.